Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Cover by Jeffrey Ray Hayes, illustrating "ESPD." The distressing is part of the cover design.

Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025 edited by Robert Greenberger Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. A lesser known aspect of pulp fandom is the creation of new stories in the tradition of the pulp magazines of old, action-packed and exciting. Thus this series of books which feature modern authors trying their… Continue reading Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Book Review: The Ginger Star

Cover by Andrew Hou, for once showing Eric John Stark with his correct skin tone.

Book Review: The Ginger Star by Leigh Brackett Skaith is a dying world. Its sun, once a vibrant red, has faded to a brownish ginger and the warmth reaching the surface has ebbed over the centuries. Slowly, the civilizations that once fared over the globe have moved away from the increasingly frozen poles towards the… Continue reading Book Review: The Ginger Star

Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Nettle & Bone by T. Kingfisher We open in media res as Marra, age thirty, tries to make a dog from bones and wire in a cursed land inhabited by cannibals. Some of whom are quite nice, really–just don’t eat anything they offer you. It’s damaging her hands something fierce, but then impossible… Continue reading Book Review: Nettle & Bone

Book Review: Valhalla: Into the Darkness

Book Review: Valhalla: Into the Darkness by Lee Gold Note: This review will have SPOILERS for Valhalla: Absent Without Leave so if you have not read that book, you may want to read that review first. Robin Grima Jonson and her oathmates have managed to avert Ragnarok, or at least the version of it that… Continue reading Book Review: Valhalla: Into the Darkness

Comic Book Review: The Ultimate 7: Trilogy Volume 2

Comic Book Review: The Ultimate 7: Trilogy Volume 2 written by Robert Wawrzyniak, pencils by Shawn Surface, inks by Scott Shoemaker In an indefinite future, known space is being taken over by the evil Overlord and his oppressive army led by General Reen. A being of the mysterious Homoagint species has prophesized that a team… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Ultimate 7: Trilogy Volume 2

Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1

Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1 by Ryoko Kui It is said that “an army marches on its stomach.” Logistics are important to adventurers too, as this party just learned the hard way. They’d lost their food supplies while in the dungeon, so when a red dragon popped up, they were suffering the effects of… Continue reading Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1

Manga Review: Peach Boy Riverside 1

Manga Review: Peach Boy Riverside 1 story by Coolkyousinnjya, art by Johanne Many of you will be familiar with the story of Momotarou, the Peach Boy. “Hatched” from a giant peach by a childless couple, he was raised by them. When he came of age, Momotarou set out to defeat the oni (demons/ogres) that were… Continue reading Manga Review: Peach Boy Riverside 1

Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021

Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021 edited by Sheila Williams Back in 1977, Isaac Asimov was one of the top three or so science fiction writers in the world, and had a very strong personal brand. So when Davis Publications wanted to create a “name brand magazine” for science fiction like Ellery Queen Mystery… Continue reading Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021

Movie Review: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

The One Ring

Movie Review: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) directed by Peter Jackson Many years ago, Bilbo Baggins (Ian Holm) left the Shire on an adventure. Along the way, he found a ring that allowed him to turn invisible. Now it’s Bilbo’s 111th birthday, and at the height of the festivities, he… Continue reading Movie Review: The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring

Webtoon Review: Onyx Equinox

Several of our protagonists look back at a danger they've just escaped. For now.

Webtoon Review: Onyx Equinox Zyanya is in training to become a warrior for her people in the city of Danibaan. She’s pretty good at it, too. Alas, this is not enough to stop Mictlantecuhtli from dragging the entire city into the Underworld. Zyanya survives, but we’ll catch up with her later. The gods Quetzalcoatl and… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Onyx Equinox