Comic Book Review: Space Adventures Volume 2 by various creators Space Adventures, sometimes titled “Science Fiction Space Adventures” or other temporary titles, was a science fiction anthology comic book series published by what would become Charlton Comics starting in 1952. It featured early work by such later famous artists as Dick Giordano and Steve Ditko.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Space Adventures Volume 2
Tag: U.S. Air Force
Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth
Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth It is summer, 1989, on an alternate Earth where the Apollo Program never ended and there’s a permanent station on the Moon. In Tokyo, Japan, three children are enjoying their last summer break together before middle school separates them. Sensitive Boco, protective Joe and cryptid fan Junichi may not share all… Continue reading Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth