Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025 edited by Robert Greenberger Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. A lesser known aspect of pulp fandom is the creation of new stories in the tradition of the pulp magazines of old, action-packed and exciting. Thus this series of books which feature modern authors trying their… Continue reading Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025
Tag: treasure
Comic Book Review: Amazing Man Vol. 1
Comic Book Review: Amazing Man Vol. 1 by Bill Everett and various creators. John Aman (probably not his birth name) was an American orphan taken in by The Council of Seven, a mysterious group of wise men headquartered in Tibet. After twenty-five years of intense training, John passed a series of physical and mental tests… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Amazing Man Vol. 1
Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming
Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming by Tyler A. Mann The troll caravan guard that we meet at the beginning of the story has no name. The family he was born into did not have a tradition of naming children, and the circus that enslaved him only called him “the troll.” But his… Continue reading Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming
Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters
Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters by Jeff Ashworth I’ve been a fan of the various iterations of Dungeons and Dragons since 1979, when I first encountered people who played the game. While my involvement has waxed and waned over the years, I still enjoy reading the game products. One of the… Continue reading Book Review: The Game Master’s Book of Random Encounters
Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry
Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry by Fritz Leiber We return, gentle readers, to the fabled world of Nehwon, home of those bold rogues, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. But they are not in their favorite city, Lankhmar, but in Fafhrd’s home territory of the Cold Wastes to the north. For they have learned of fabled… Continue reading Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry
Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files
Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files edited by Max Allan Collins and Martin H. Greenberg In 1990, the venerable Dick Tracy comic strip got a movie adaptation, Dick Tracy, starring Warren Beatty and Madonna. To cash in on the publicity, the then-writer of the strip, Max Allan Collins, was asked to do both a… Continue reading Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files
Magazine Review: High Adventure #172: The Hell’s Angels Squad
Magazine Review: High Adventure #172: The Hell’s Angels Squad edited by John P. Gunnison This time around, the focus is on the French Foreign Legion stories of Warren Hastings Miller originally published in Blue Book magazine back in the late 1920s. As I’ve discussed before, tales of the Legion were a popular subgenre of pulp… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #172: The Hell’s Angels Squad
Comic Strip Review: Batman: The Sunday Classics 1943-1946
Comic Strip Review: Batman: The Sunday Classics 1943-1946 by various creators Batman was a big success in the comic books, so it wasn’t long at all before it was decided that he’d probably be a hit in the newspaper comic strips as well. Once that was decided, the problem of Sundays had to be considered.… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Batman: The Sunday Classics 1943-1946
Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2
Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2 by Louis L’Amour with editorial material by Beau L’Amour Disclaimer: I received an Advance Uncorrected Proof of this book through a Goodreads giveaway to facilitate the writing of this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there will be changes made in… Continue reading Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2
Movie Review: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya
The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) dir. Isao Takahata Mukashi, mukashi, long, long ago in Japan, there lived an old bamboo cutter and his wife who had no children. One day while the bamboo cutter was out in the bamboo grove, he saw one of the bamboo stalks glowing. A new bamboo shoot sprung up… Continue reading Movie Review: The Tale of the Princess Kaguya