Comic Book Review: Baltimore Omnibus Volume One

Comic Book Review: Baltimore Omnibus Volume One written by Mike Mignola and Christopher Golden, art by Ben Stenbeck Lord Henry Baltimore was once a happily married man, wealthy enough and fairly privileged. But then World War One happened, and his country called. But this was not quite the WWI you may have read about in… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Baltimore Omnibus Volume One

Magazine Review: High Adventure #191: Action Special

This cover is unrelated to any of the stories within.

Magazine Review: High Adventure #191: Action Special edited by John P. Gunnison This issue of the pulp fiction reprint magazine has five stories from different action subgenres from five different magazines. Let’s see what’s in the grab bag! “The Jonah” by Bill Adams, first published in The Blue Book Magazine November 1935, is a sea… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #191: Action Special

Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1

Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1 by Ryoko Kui It is said that “an army marches on its stomach.” Logistics are important to adventurers too, as this party just learned the hard way. They’d lost their food supplies while in the dungeon, so when a red dragon popped up, they were suffering the effects of… Continue reading Manga Review: Delicious in Dungeon 1

Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #22: Christmas with the Super Heroes

Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #22: Christmas with the Super Heroes by various creators ‘Tis the holiday season, so let’s kick back and enjoy a collection of DC Comics heroes enjoying Christmas, or at least the secular version of same. “The TT’s Swingin’ Christmas Carol!” written by Bob Haney and art by Nick… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #22: Christmas with the Super Heroes

Book Review: Horn Crown

Book Review: Horn Crown by Andre Norton Elron has holes in his memory, as does every other member of his people that came through the Gate from High Halleck. They know they fled some great danger, and that they agreed to have their memories of that danger as well as some other subjects erased for… Continue reading Book Review: Horn Crown

Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files

Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files edited by Max Allan Collins and Martin H. Greenberg In 1990, the venerable Dick Tracy comic strip got a movie adaptation, Dick Tracy, starring Warren Beatty and Madonna. To cash in on the publicity, the then-writer of the strip, Max Allan Collins, was asked to do both a… Continue reading Book Review: Dick Tracy: The Secret Files

Book Review: Enter the Jackal

Cover by Krocker Klaus

Book Review: Enter the Jackal by Jonathan W. Sweet As you may have noticed by now, I’m a fan of the pulps. But I’m certainly not the most enthusiastic one, or most knowledgeable. Some folks have made the pulp magazines their main focus. Jonathan W. Sweet runs a reprint press, Brick Pickle Pulp, and does… Continue reading Book Review: Enter the Jackal

Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: The Pocket Companion edited by Philip Van Doren Stern This 1942 paperback anthology was designed for people who wanted a lot of reading in a pocket-sized book, so has a novel, short stories, articles, poetry and trivia. The closest thing to a theme is the connection between the British and Americans, now allies… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1

Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1 by Nina Matsumoto Shamoji Village is way out in the boonies of Japan. It’s said that there is a portal to the yokai realm in the nearby forest, and certainly the area has more than the usual number of those mysterious creatures. Most of the villagers are afraid of the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Yokaiden 1

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories edited by Philip Van Doren Stern In his introduction, the editor talks about the thrill of adventure stories, how often they are churned out as cheap entertainment, and that he has selected twelve really good ones for the reader. This 1945 book was designed to be easily… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories