Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon

Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon by Magnolia Porter Siddell and Maddi Gonzalez Orion the messenger fairy has had many adventures with the Griffon Riders of Crystalfall, particularly young heroine Lyn Sparrowheart and her faithful steed Swiftclaw. But then came the Witch Elel, whose magic twisted the land and made her seemingly unstoppable. She has even… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon

Book Review: A Shadow Bright and Burning

Book Review: A Shadow Bright and Burning by Jessica Cluess Eleven years ago, Great Britain was a powerful nation with a thriving magical community.  Then the Ancients were summoned, seven supernatural beings who are hostile to human life as we know it.  Since then, the British have been at war with these occupying horrors, and… Continue reading Book Review: A Shadow Bright and Burning

Book Review: Hokas Pokas!

Cover art by Michael Whelan.

Book Review: Hokas Pokas! by Poul Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson The Hoka of the planet Toka are the galaxy’s best live-action roleplayers.  Given a story they find interesting, the teddy-bear-looking aliens will take on the characters as their own personalities.  And they especially love Earth stories.  Thus it is that they have entire subcultures… Continue reading Book Review: Hokas Pokas!