Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman

Cover by Ross Andru & Dick Giordano

Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman edited by Julius Schwartz This is an imaginary story–aren’t they all?” –Allan Moore, “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” Back in the Silver Age of DC Comics, especially in the Superman titles, status quo was very much a thing. The Superman/Clark Kent/Lois Lane… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman

TV Review: Doctor Who: The Two Doctors

Two and Six are going to have to put their heads together to get out of this fix!

TV Review: Doctor Who: The Two Doctors directed by Peter Moffat One of the fun things you can do in a long-running series about time travel that regularly replaces the main character’s actor is have “crossover” episodes where more than one version of that main character team up. Doctor Who had already done this with… Continue reading TV Review: Doctor Who: The Two Doctors

Comic Book Review: Forbidden Worlds Vol. 15

Comic Book Review: Forbidden Worlds Vol. 15 edited by Richard E. Hughes Forbidden Worlds started as a horror anthology comic book series from American Comics Group in 1951. In 1955, it ran foul of new restrictions on horror in comics, but soon retooled as “stories of strange adventure” which conformed with the Comics Code and… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Forbidden Worlds Vol. 15

Comic Book Review: The Hypernaturals Volume One

Comic Book Review: The Hypernaturals Volume One written by Dan Abnett & Andy Lanning In the far future, humans have spread across the galaxy thanks to the Trip System that allows near-instantaneous teleportation across galactic distances. Artificial intelligence has also reached a singularity point where it essentially runs civilization, so the dating system has reset,… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Hypernaturals Volume One


Book Review: SUPERPOWERED by James Schannep Disclaimer:  I received a Kindle download of this book through a Goodreads giveaway to facilitate this review.  No other renumeration was offered or requested. Many readers of this blog will be familiar with “gamebooks” which have multiple paths through the story based on the decisions you make.  The most… Continue reading Book Review: SUPERPOWERED

Magazine Review: Astounding Science-Fiction January 1946

Cover by Timmins

Magazine Review: Astounding Science-Fiction January 1946 edited by John W. Campbell, Jr. Before Analog (see previous reviews), there was Astounding, the science fiction magazine that led the field for many years.  Having gotten a copy of an issue from the pulp days, let’s take a look at what wonders lie within.  Despite the cover date, the ads… Continue reading Magazine Review: Astounding Science-Fiction January 1946