Anime Review: God Mazinger

God Mazinger in iinert form.

Anime Review: God Mazinger In a time before history as we know it, the ancient kingdom of Mu is under attack by the Dragonian Empire. King Dorado, leader of Dragonia, has slain the previous rulers for refusing to give in to his demands, and the modified dinosaurs he creates using superscience are nearly unstoppable with… Continue reading Anime Review: God Mazinger

Comic Book Review: All Star Comics Archives Volume 7

Comic Book Review: All Star Comics Archives Volume 7 edited by Dale Crain From All Star Comics #3 (Summer 1940) to All Star Comics #57 (March 1951), that comic book series was the home of the Justice Society of America, DC Comics’ first superhero team. This volume covers #29 (June 1946) to #33 (February 1947).… Continue reading Comic Book Review: All Star Comics Archives Volume 7

Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One

Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One by Ursula Vernon Digger of Unnecessarily Convoluted Tunnels, “Digger” if you’re not being formal, is a wombat. In her world, wombats are an intelligent bipedal species which otherwise resemble Earth’s wombats. Digger’s primary job is being a tunneler, but when we meet her, she no longer remembers where her… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Digger Volume One

Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine

Logan battles Omega Red.

Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine Logan, the man codenamed “Wolverine”, has lived a long time. Part of it, of course, is his mutant healing factor, but years of combat training, and a skeleton made of super-hard adamantium help too. And then there’s the sharp adamantium claws that pop out of his forearms. These days, his… Continue reading Anime Review: Marvel Anime: Wolverine

Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: The Pocket Companion edited by Philip Van Doren Stern This 1942 paperback anthology was designed for people who wanted a lot of reading in a pocket-sized book, so has a novel, short stories, articles, poetry and trivia. The closest thing to a theme is the connection between the British and Americans, now allies… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: The Fiend with Twenty Faces

Book Review: The Fiend with Twenty Faces by Edogawa Rampo The year is 1936. Japan occupies Korea and Manchukuo, and has set its sights on the rest of China. But for most Japanese civilians, war is far away. What is exciting right now is the capers of the man known as The Fiend with Twenty… Continue reading Book Review: The Fiend with Twenty Faces

Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Cover by Charles Frank

Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time edited by Raymond J. Healy This 1951 anthology opens with an introduction by Anthony Boucher. In it he notes the proliferation of science fiction anthologies at the time, most of which were reprints of magazine stories. Often the same stories, over and over–not bad because they are… Continue reading Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Magazine Review: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1978

Cover by David Hardy, riffing on the classic War of the Worlds scene where the Thunder Child battles the tripods.

Magazine Review: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1978 edited by Edward L. Ferman This issue of the long-running speculative fiction magazine is “All-British”, which the editorial material notes was one of the easiest theme issues to do, since they already had a number of stories by British authors on hand. They dug… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction April 1978

Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior

Ting ropes up for an important battle.

Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior (2003) directed by Prachya Pinkaew Don (Wannakit Sirioput) had one job. Go to a remote village in Thailand, buy an ancient amulet at way below market price, and return it to mob boss Komtuan (Suchao Pongwilai) for sale on the black market. He failed because the village chief is saving… Continue reading Movie Review: Ong-Bak: The Thai Warrior

Book Review: The Holy City Murders

Book Review: The Holy City Murders by Ron Plante Jr. Duke Dempsey might live in Charleston, South Carolina, which likes to tout itself as the “Holy City”, but he’s not particularly interested in religion, or the many churches and temples that dot the landscape. He’s much more focused on bourbon and keeping his private investigation… Continue reading Book Review: The Holy City Murders