Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Cover by Charles Frank

Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time edited by Raymond J. Healy This 1951 anthology opens with an introduction by Anthony Boucher. In it he notes the proliferation of science fiction anthologies at the time, most of which were reprints of magazine stories. Often the same stories, over and over–not bad because they are… Continue reading Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation

Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation by David Hagberg At long last, Colonel Steve “Flash” Gordon and his companions Dr. Hans Zarkov and Dale Arden are headed home in their refurbished starship, the Intrepid. They’re looking forward to briefing the Federation government about their adventures fighting the android robot warlord Martin… Continue reading Book Review: Flash Gordon Book Four: Forces from the Federation

Book Review: The Peregrine

Book Review: The Peregrine by Poul Anderson It is the distant future, and humanity has scattered to the stars. Spacefaring human civilization is currently focused in one of two groups, the Solarian Union, which is focused on mental development and social stability (helped by their troubleshooting Coordinators), and the Nomads, eternal wanderers who are constantly… Continue reading Book Review: The Peregrine

Book Review: The Mutant Weapon | The Pirates of Zan

Book Review: The Mutant Weapon | The Pirates of Zan by Murray Leinster It’s time for another Ace Double, those fun paperbacks that are two books in one, with two covers upside down from each other. In this case it’s two short science fiction novels by Murray Leinster (pen name of William Fitzgerald Jenkins (1896-1975))… Continue reading Book Review: The Mutant Weapon | The Pirates of Zan

Book Review: Doomstar

Book Review: Doomstar by Edmond Hamilton Johnny Kettrick used to have it good. As a human of Earth heritage born and raised in the Hyades Cluster, and gifted with a friendly nature, he’d become a top trader between the many cultures in that crowded part of the galaxy. Unfortunately, he’d also developed a healthy disregard… Continue reading Book Review: Doomstar

Book Review: If This Goes On

Gotta love this cover "old man yells at rocket."

Book Review: If This Goes On edited by Charles Nuetzel The “if this goes on” story is a staple of short science fiction. Pick a current trend like “women not wearing hats anymore” or “cat videos” and extend it out to an exaggerated conclusion. For example, the Robert Heinlein story of that name, which posits… Continue reading Book Review: If This Goes On

Magazine Review: Astounding Science Fiction July 1939

Magazine Review: Astounding Science Fiction July 1939 edited by John W. Campbell Astounding Science Fiction is now Analog, which is still being published; see earlier reviews on this blog. Today I’m looking at a key issue from the pulp days, July 1939. First, there’s this classic cover by Graves Gladney. Up front is “Addenda”, an… Continue reading Magazine Review: Astounding Science Fiction July 1939

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson edited by Roger Elwood Poul Anderson (1926-2001) was an influential American science fiction author, first published in 1947 and winning seven Hugos and three Nebulas for his work. By the 1970s, he was well enough known, and had a large enough body of short fiction, that DAW Books… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: Perilous Dreams

Book Review: Perilous Dreams by Andre Norton Tamisan’s Dreaming power isn’t unique. While uncommon, enough women of her people possess the ability to create dreams for a client that there’s a thriving business involved, even drawing in tourists from off-planet. But Tamisan is skilled and more creative than many of her peers. So when she… Continue reading Book Review: Perilous Dreams

Book Review: Planets for Sale

Book Review: Planets for Sale by A.E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull Evana Travis was supposed to be traveling to live with her sister on Doridora III. But there was a reason this spaceflight was so inexpensive. After Earth had finally gotten its act together and improved working conditions to be actually comfortable, the… Continue reading Book Review: Planets for Sale