Book Review: The Moon Maid

Cover by Roy Krenkel, Jr.

Book Review: The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs It is the 2020s, and it is at last time for the humans of Earth to visit their neighbors on Mars, or as its natives call it, Barsoom. The first spaceship to essay the journey is also named the Barsoom. It carries a crew of five,… Continue reading Book Review: The Moon Maid

Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949

John Eric Stark as usual represented with far too light skin.

Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949 edited by Paul L. Payne As previously discussed on this blog, Planet Stories was a science fiction pulp magazine published from 1939-1955. It was heavy on the space opera and planetary romance, and usually had a curvy and/or scantily-clad woman on the cover. This Adventure House reprint is of… Continue reading Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949

Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection

Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection by Leiji Matsumoto It is the year 2199, and the Earth is dying. For a change, it’s not directly the fault of the Earthling humans. Invaders from the planet Gamilas have been bombarding Earth with radioactive bombs, poisoning the atmosphere. A message from a far off world,… Continue reading Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection

Book Review: Sweep of Stars

Book Review: Sweep of Stars by Maurice Broaddus Muungano isn’t an empire, at least not yet. It’s a strongly connected group of communities including the Dreaming City on the Moon, Bronzeville on Mars, Titan, and the far flung Oyigiyigi mining outpost. They’re tired together by a shared weusi culture dominated by peoples from the African… Continue reading Book Review: Sweep of Stars

TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series

Lieutenant M'ress reports for duty.

TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series In a future where humanity did not succeed in destroying itself, but instead learned to live together in peace (after a few more world wars) and then went to space to explore strange new worlds, meet interesting life forms (and sometimes peacefully interact with them) and boldly go… Continue reading TV Review: Star Trek the Animated Series

Movie Review: Serenity (2005)

The Serenity's crew doesn't always agree on the best course of action.

Movie Review: Serenity (2005) directed by Joss Whedon This is what we are told: It is around 500 years in the future. Life on Earth That Was became unsustainable, so humanity went looking for new worlds to live on. At least one place they found was a trinary star system with multiple planets and planetoids in… Continue reading Movie Review: Serenity (2005)

Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Cover by Charles Frank

Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time edited by Raymond J. Healy This 1951 anthology opens with an introduction by Anthony Boucher. In it he notes the proliferation of science fiction anthologies at the time, most of which were reprints of magazine stories. Often the same stories, over and over–not bad because they are… Continue reading Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time

Book Review: The Peregrine

Book Review: The Peregrine by Poul Anderson It is the distant future, and humanity has scattered to the stars. Spacefaring human civilization is currently focused in one of two groups, the Solarian Union, which is focused on mental development and social stability (helped by their troubleshooting Coordinators), and the Nomads, eternal wanderers who are constantly… Continue reading Book Review: The Peregrine

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1965

Cover by Kelly Freas

Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1965 edited by John W. Campbell It’s time for another random issue of the classic science fiction magazine. “Colloid and Crystalloid” by John W. Campbell starts the issue off with an editorial beginning with the notion that humanoid killer robots probably aren’t going to be a thing… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction Science Fact November 1965

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954

Cover by Clarence Doore, neither of these scenarios appear in this issue.

Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954 edited by Harry Harrison This is the final issue of the magazine, one of the Lester del Rey-edited issues of which I reviewed earlier. We open the issue with “The Science in Science Fiction”, an editorial by Harry Harrison. He’s thrilled about the expansion of types of science… Continue reading Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954