Book Review: Private Eye’s Bumper Book of Boobs

Book Review: Private Eye’s Bumper Book of Boobs edited by Richard Ingrams Private Eye is a satire and current events magazine that’s been published in Great Britain since 1961. While their investigative reporting is perhaps more important a contribution to society, they also do a lot of jokes and other humor. One recurring feature has… Continue reading Book Review: Private Eye’s Bumper Book of Boobs

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

"Honey, did you ever wonder if we're living in a Daphne Du Maurier story?"

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) directed by Chris Columbus Once upon a time, there was an Ugly Muggle named Harry. The Muggle family he lived with neglected, bullied and abused him because he was so bad at being a Muggle. But then one day a friendly giant appeared, and revealed to Harry… Continue reading Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Comic Book Review: Pivot

Comic Book Review: Pivot by Jaime Dear In softball, second base and shortstop need to be in synch. Knowing who’s going after which ball, making sure the bases are covered, and preferably not running into each other. But shortstop Luciana Herrera and second base player Ella Xie are dealing with huge crushes on each other… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Pivot

Manga Review: Blue Lock 1

Manga Review: Blue Lock 1 story by Muneyuki Kaneshiro, art by Yusuke Nomura One of the stock characters found in sports stories, and especially shounen manga sports stories, is the “solo ace.” He (it’s almost always a “he) is extraordinarily skilled at the technical aspects of the sport. He runs the fastest, throws or kicks… Continue reading Manga Review: Blue Lock 1

Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump (2021)

Deku and All Might looking forward to another exciting year.

Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump (2021) It’s the ninth anniversary of my blog, and time once again to look at the current state of Shonen Jump! As with last year, I read Jump through the official Viz Comics website. One Piece continues to be the tentpole series, having reached Chapter 1000 this year and still… Continue reading Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump (2021)

Movie Review: Dragon Lord (1982)

Cowboy and Dragon make plans.

Movie Review: Dragon Lord (1982) directed by Jackie Chan Dragon (Jackie Chan) is a boy in his late teens who is a talented but undisciplined martial artist, and disappoints his wealthy father (Feng Tien) by blowing off his literature studies to hang out with his buddy “Cowboy” Wa (Mars). Cowboy’s father (Paul Chang Chung) is also… Continue reading Movie Review: Dragon Lord (1982)

Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1

Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1 by Naoshi Arakawa Fourteen year old Nozomi Onda has the best technical skills on her school’s soccer team. She trains harder than any of the other members, and has a true passion for the sport. But since her school doesn’t have a girls’ soccer team, Nozomi had to join the… Continue reading Manga Review: Sayonara, Football #1

Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1

Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1 by Kiyohiko Azuma It is spring of the year 2000, and the Japanese school year is beginning. There’s always some confusion on the first day back, and teacher Yukari Tanizaki winds up trying to introduce herself to the wrong home room! Once that’s sorted out, it’s time to meet… Continue reading Manga Review: Azumanga Daioh Vol. 1

Comic Book Review: The Avant-Guards Volume One

Comic Book Review: The Avant-Guards Volume One written by Carly Usdin, art by Noah Hayes Charlene “Charlie” Bravo was an excellent basketball player in high school, and got a scholarship to State. But for various reasons, her freshman year was a disaster, and Charlie has transferred to the Georgia O’Keefe College of Arts and Subtle… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Avant-Guards Volume One

Comic Book Review: Collision Course Volume 1-3 Omnibus

Comic Book Review: Collision Course Volume 1-3 Omnibus by Marissa Luna and Melissa Mariko Kieselburg College is a time for trying new things and discovering new passions.  Frosh Abby sees a roller derby match and is hooked.  Not just as a spectator, she wants to be one of those really cool competitors!  So when the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Collision Course Volume 1-3 Omnibus