Book Review: The Moon Maid

Cover by Roy Krenkel, Jr.

Book Review: The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs It is the 2020s, and it is at last time for the humans of Earth to visit their neighbors on Mars, or as its natives call it, Barsoom. The first spaceship to essay the journey is also named the Barsoom. It carries a crew of five,… Continue reading Book Review: The Moon Maid

Comic Book Review: Space Adventures Volume 2

Cover by Dick Giordano.

Comic Book Review: Space Adventures Volume 2 by various creators Space Adventures, sometimes titled “Science Fiction Space Adventures” or other temporary titles, was a science fiction anthology comic book series published by what would become Charlton Comics starting in 1952. It featured early work by such later famous artists as Dick Giordano and Steve Ditko.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Space Adventures Volume 2

Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon

Version 1.0.0

Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon edited by Jonathan W. Sweet Once upon a time, humans went to the moon. Yes, the moon up in the sky! It was awesome, but then other matters took precedence, and there wasn’t the budget, and we just never went back. But we still dream of moon exploration… Continue reading Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon

Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Doom Patrol

Cover by George Perez and Frank Giacoia

Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Doom Patrol edited by Karen Berger The Doom Patrol is one of DC Comics’ more interesting super-teams. First published in My Greatest Adventure #80 (1963), it concerned a group of people who felt isolated from normal humanity, led by a genius in a wheelchair, who nevertheless… Continue reading Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Doom Patrol

Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949

John Eric Stark as usual represented with far too light skin.

Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949 edited by Paul L. Payne As previously discussed on this blog, Planet Stories was a science fiction pulp magazine published from 1939-1955. It was heavy on the space opera and planetary romance, and usually had a curvy and/or scantily-clad woman on the cover. This Adventure House reprint is of… Continue reading Magazine Review: Planet Stories Summer 1949

Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #22: Secret Origins of Super-Heroes

Cover by Ross Andru & Mike DeCarlo

Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #22: Secret Origins of Super-Heroes edited by E. Nelson Bridwell “Secret origins” are a big part of the superhero genre. Since, back in the day, most superheroes had secret identities, just how exactly they’d come to gain powers or the motivation to fight crime was also a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #22: Secret Origins of Super-Heroes

Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494

Cover by Keith Giffen and Romeo Tanghal

Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494 edited by Carl Gafford I’ve dug out another of the Adventure Comics digests from the early 1980s. As mentioned in my review of #497, each of these only had one new story fronting a bunch of reprints, including at least two related to the Legion of Super-Heroes. Let’s take… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #494

Manga Review: Snowball Earth Volume 01

Manga Review: Snowball Earth Volume 01 by Yuhiro Tsujitsugu In 2025, the first intergalactic kaiju attacked Earth. It was stopped at the cost of a lot of human lives. And it wasn’t alone. Entire swarms of them were approaching, with a few (scouts? impatient ones) way out in front. Humanity established the E-RDE, an anti-kaiju… Continue reading Manga Review: Snowball Earth Volume 01

Movie Review: Negadon: The Monster from Mars

Negadon attacks!

Movie Review: Negadon: The Monster from Mars (2005) directed by Jun Awazu In the near future of 2025, Earth’s resources are running out, so the humans are terraforming Mars. While doing so, they discover a giant cocoon-like object and decide to take it home. Unfortunately for the crew of the Izanami and everyone else in Japan, the creature… Continue reading Movie Review: Negadon: The Monster from Mars

Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation

Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation by Joan D. Vinge | Steven G. Spruil “Binary Star” was a short-lived series of paperbacks from Dell SF in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Their gimmick was pairs of novellas with a loose theme, something like the classic Ace Doubles. #4 was the first with… Continue reading Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation