Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #491 edited by Dick Giordano & Carl Gafford This is the first digest-sized issue of Adventure Comics, which had been on hiatus for a bit, with this relaunch trying to cash in on the supermarket checkout line market. Most of the features were reprints of characters that either started in… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #491
Tag: sorcerers
Comic Book Review: Strange Academy: The Deadly Field Trip
Comic Book Review: Strange Academy: The Deadly Field Trip by various creators Up until fairly recently, the general way of learning magic in the Marvel Universe was being the apprentice of a more experienced mage, and if you didn’t have a mentor or had been kicked out of the relationship, self-study. Doctor Stephen Strange, sometime… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Strange Academy: The Deadly Field Trip
Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023
Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023 by various creators It’s the eleventh anniversary of this blog! As every year, let’s take a look at the long-running colossus that is Weekly Shounen Jump! One Piece has moved on from the Wano storyline to one involving frequently referenced mad scientist(s) Dr. Vegapunk, who is not as cool… Continue reading Manga Review: Weekly Shonen Jump 2023
Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry
Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry by Fritz Leiber We return, gentle readers, to the fabled world of Nehwon, home of those bold rogues, Fafhrd and the Gray Mouser. But they are not in their favorite city, Lankhmar, but in Fafhrd’s home territory of the Cold Wastes to the north. For they have learned of fabled… Continue reading Book Review: Swords Against Wizardry
Manga Review: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1
Manga Review: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1 by Gege Akutami It’s been a strange day for Yuji Itadori. First, the student council threatens to close down the Occult Research club for lack of activity and members. This right after they’d acquired a mysterious object to investigate, too! It turned out that the lack of members is… Continue reading Manga Review: Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 1
Anime Review: Jujutsu Kaisen
Anime Review: Jujutsu Kaisen Unknown to the vast majority of humans, they share the Earth with noroi, curses, supernatural monsters that spawn from the negative emotions of humanity. Some humans, however, can sense and use cursed energy to various degrees. Those that battle curses become jujutsu sorcerers, while those that use these powers for evil… Continue reading Anime Review: Jujutsu Kaisen
Movie Review: Doctor Strange (2007)
Movie Review: Doctor Strange (2007) directed by Patrick Archibald The world you can see is not all there is. Monsters roam the streets of New York, smashing and killing their way to a point called the Sanctum. Opposing them are the disciples of the Ancient One, wizards and sorcerers who conceal their activities from the world… Continue reading Movie Review: Doctor Strange (2007)
Manga Review: King of Cards Volume 1
Manga Review: King of Cards Volume 1 by Makoto Tateno First-year high school student Manami Minami wants to play the collectible card game “Chaos” with her cousin Tamotsu Kazama, who’s the president of their school’s gaming club. She randomly picks a beginner’s set to purchase–which turns out to be an out of print one with… Continue reading Manga Review: King of Cards Volume 1
Comic Book Review: Swamp Thing Giant #3
Comic Book Review: Swamp Thing Giant #3 by various creators Scientist Alec Holland and his wife Linda were working on a plant-based bio-restorative formula in the Louisiana swamps when criminals set a bomb to sabotage the research and he was burned to death. A combination of the formula and other forces working within the swamp… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Swamp Thing Giant #3
Movie Review: Ponyo
Movie Review: Ponyo (2008) directed by Hayao Miyazaki Brunhilde’s father, Fujimoto, is a sorcerer in love with the sea, in the person of the Ocean Goddess Granmamare. He has long abandoned the land and no longer considers himself human. He’d prefer that Brunhilde and her sisters stay safe under his protection forever in the depths of… Continue reading Movie Review: Ponyo