Movie Review: The Living Daylights

James Bond confers with M.

Movie Review: The Living Daylights (1987) directed by John Glen As part of a training exercise, several 00-class agents of British intelligence agency MI6 are assigned to infiltrate the military installation on the Rock of Gibraltar. The defenders are armed with paint-guns, but there’s a ringer, a Soviet agent who is taking the opportunity to kill… Continue reading Movie Review: The Living Daylights

Comic Book Review: Best of DC #8: Year’s Best Comics Stories

Can you name all the characters on this cover?

Comic Book Review: Best of DC #8: Year’s Best Comics Stories edited by Julius Schwartz If you were going to have a digest comic called “Best of DC” it only made sense to present a collection of what the creators considered best stories for a given year, in this case, 1979. As the text feature… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Best of DC #8: Year’s Best Comics Stories

Comic Book Review: Gotham Central: Unresolved Targets

Comic Book Review: Gotham Central: Unresolved Targets edited by Matt Idelson Being a cop in Gotham City is rough. In addition to the long hours, hostile population and dangerous streets that come with the police officer’s job in any large city, Gotham City has one of the highest corruption rates of a police department in… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Gotham Central: Unresolved Targets

Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds

Lieutenant Raine addresses his troops.

Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds (2009) directed by Quentin Tarantino In 1941 France, SS officer Hans Landa (Christoph Waltz), already known as “The Jew-Hunter”, ferrets out a hidden family, killing most of them, but decides to let Shosanna (Mélanie Laurent) the almost-adult daughter to outrun him to, perhaps, have the pleasure of hunting her down again later.… Continue reading Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve by Makoto Yukimura Note: SPOILERS for previous volumes, check out the previous reviews if you’ve skipped any. Previously: Thorfinn, once a vengeance-seeker, now has chosen a path of peace. He wants to go to the fabled place Vinland, where there is no war or slavery, to start a new… Continue reading Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve

Movie Review: Lethal Weapon

Murtaugh and Riggs take a while to warm to each other.

Movie Review: Lethal Weapon (1987) directed by Richard Donner It’s Christmas time in the big city, and it seems the half-naked Amanda Hunsaker (Jackie Swanson) has already been partying a little too hardy as she takes a swan dive from her apartment balcony. Toxicology reports however reveal that her drugs were tampered with, and that makes… Continue reading Movie Review: Lethal Weapon

Movie Review: 1917

Schofield and Blake are about to climb the ladder into No Man's Land.

1917 (2019) dir. Sam Mendes Dateline: April 6, 1917, somewhere on the Western Front in France. Lance Corporal Blake (Dean Charles Chapman) has been chosen for a special mission, and he has picked his friend Lance Corporal Schofield (George MacKay to accompany him. Unfortunately it’s not the supply run Blake was expecting to go on. The… Continue reading Movie Review: 1917

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3

Sugimoto's group is offered an indecent proposal.

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3 Note: SPOILERS for the previous seasons! Recap: A couple of years after the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, former soldier Sugimoto learns of a cache of stolen gold, the location of which is tattooed on the torsos of a number of escaped prisoners. He teams up with the Ainu girl… Continue reading Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3

Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935

Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935 Quick recap: The Phantom is Richard Curtis Van Loan, a wealthy man-about-town. While he started fighting crime out of boredom and a chance to get thrills, he soon developed a burning hatred of crime and major criminals that allow him to carry on a crusade. A master of… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Phantom Detective September 1935

Movie Review: Dirty Harry

Harry shows off his large weapon.

Movie Review: Dirty Harry (1971) directed by Don Siegel Detective Inspector Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood) of the San Francisco Police Department is not a nice man. He hates everyone equally (or at least that’s what his coworkers say) and has trouble phrasing things politely. In an establishing moment early in the film, Callahan defuses a potential… Continue reading Movie Review: Dirty Harry