Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review by Stephen Joseph Scott Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As long time readers of this blog will know, I’m not myself a historical scholar, just a reader… Continue reading Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review
Tag: slavery
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom (1984) directed by Steven Spielberg Shanghai, 1935. Dr. Henry “Indiana” Jones (Harrison Ford) is in town to swap the ashes of a Manchu emperor for a large diamond of historical and personal interest to him. Unfortunately, gang boss (and shipping magnate) Lao Che (Roy Chiao) wants to… Continue reading Movie Review: Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon
Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon (aka T.P. Bon) Bon Namihira is a fairly normal (his name would translate to something like “Joe Average” in English) middle schooler. His grades are in the middle of the pack, he’s not particularly athletic but no wimp, he’s not particularly popular but does have friends. But when time starts… Continue reading Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon
TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries
TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries According to historical records, Judge Dee is based on a real-life person, Di Renjie (630-704), a magistrate and court official of the Tang Dynasty who was well regarded for his ability to resolve difficult cases and many wise actions in governance. In the Ming Dynasty of the 18th Century, a… Continue reading TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries
Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1 written by Pat Mills, art by Kevin O’Neill and Jesus Redondo In the distant future, the planet once called Earth is now Termight. Its surface is blasted and twisted, while the interior is hollowed out with an intricate network of tunnels that are home to the Termight… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1
Movie Review: Sansho the Bailiff
Movie Review: Sansho the Bailiff (1954) directed by Kenji Mizoguchi (Japanese title: Sanshou Dayuu) The setting is the late Heian Period (around the Eleventh Century) in Japan. The popular governor of a northern province, Taira Masauji (Masao Shimizu), has incurred the wrath of a powerful military general because he would not raise taxes on the already… Continue reading Movie Review: Sansho the Bailiff
Book Review: Land of Terror
Book Review: Land of Terror by Edgar Rice Burroughs The Pellucidar books were Edgar Rice Burrough’s third big book series after Tarzan and Barsoom. They use the Hollow Earth premise that our home planet is not solid inside, but has another land upside-down to the surface which can be accessed by holes at the poles… Continue reading Book Review: Land of Terror
Book Review: The Saracen Blade
Book Review: The Saracen Blade by Frank Yerby The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II was born in Jesi, Italy in 1194. But another child was born on that day in that place. Pietro, son of Donati the armorer and his lovely wife Maria, was delivered by one of the same midwives as she’d gone into… Continue reading Book Review: The Saracen Blade
Movie Review: Blade Runner
Movie Review: Blade Runner (1982) directed by Ridley Scott It is 2019, and Los Angeles is in rough shape. Thanks to climate change, pollution and other factors, animals are nearly extinct. The city itself is dark and run down, with almost perpetual rain showers. Most of the people who can move to off-world colonies have done… Continue reading Movie Review: Blade Runner
Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4
Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4 written by Kurt Busiek, art by Brent Anderson, covers by Alex Ross Astro City is filled with superheroes and supervillains. But it’s also filled with ordinary people trying to live their ordinary lives in an extraordinary world. Both these groups have stories to tell. This independent “universe” was… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4