Movie Review: The Miracle Rider

Movie Review: The Miracle Rider It is 1935 in the Panhandle area of Texas, home to the Ravenhead Tribe Indian Reservation.    The Ravenheads are a peaceful, hardworking tribe.  Sadly, their land is secretly situated on top of the largest deposit of X-94, an ore with tremendous explosive power, in the world.  Somehow, a white… Continue reading Movie Review: The Miracle Rider

Book Review: Weird Golf: 18 Tales of Fantastic, Horrific, Scientifically Impossible, and Morally Reprehensible Golf

Book Review: Weird Golf: 18 Tales of Fantastic, Horrific, Scientifically Impossible, and Morally Reprehensible Golf by Dave Donelson Disclosure: I received this book through a Firstreads giveaway in the expectation that I would review it. To make where I’m coming from clearer, I’m not a sports fan, and in specific not a golf fan. I’ve played… Continue reading Book Review: Weird Golf: 18 Tales of Fantastic, Horrific, Scientifically Impossible, and Morally Reprehensible Golf

Comic Book Tribute: 2000 AD

Yesterday was the 37th anniversary of 2000 AD, a weekly British science fiction comic paper. Back in the 1970s, the British comics market was doing quite well.  There were many weekly papers, divided into children’s, boys’ and girls’ categories.  Some then divided down into genres, such as comedy, war or sports.  A science fiction movie… Continue reading Comic Book Tribute: 2000 AD

Book Review: In the Wet

Book Review: In the Wet by Nevil Shute This is rather an odd book by the author of On the Beach and A Town Like Alice.  It starts as the story of Roger Hargreaves, an aging Anglican priest in Northern Australia in the 1950s.  In the course of his parish duties,  Father Hargreaves meets a colorful local… Continue reading Book Review: In the Wet

Book Review: After the Vikings

Book Review: After the Vikings by G. David Nordley This collection of “tales of future Mars” was first published as an adjunct to a conference on possible first contact and the planet Mars.; the stories had individually appeared in Analog and Asimov’s magazines.  When the author realized he’d written them from furthest in time to closest, he decided… Continue reading Book Review: After the Vikings

Manga Review: Afterschool Charisma

Manga Review: Afterschool Charisma by Kumiko Suekane Shiro Kamiya is an ordinary high school student until the day his father takes a job as headmaster of St. Kleio Academy, and enrolls Shiro in that exclusive school.  A very exclusive school indeed, as all the other students are clones of famous historical figures.  As the only… Continue reading Manga Review: Afterschool Charisma

Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem

Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem edited by John Klima, Lynne M Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas Disclaimer:  I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. This volume is an anthology of speculative fiction short stories,  themed around dance clubs, loud parties, roller skates, sparkly light and glitter.… Continue reading Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem

Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour

Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour by Ben Acker & Ben Blacker The Thrilling Adventure Hour, it turns out, is a continuing theatrical performance and podcast in the style of old-time radio.  As such, it’s full of action, comedy and thrilling adventure.  This is their first illustrated tie-in graphic novel. The contents range from straight-up science… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour

Book Review: The Jewels of Aptor

Book Review: The Jewels of Aptor by Samuel R. Delaney This is the first novel by Samuel R. Delaney, published in 1967.  He was one of the first successful African-American science fiction authors, as well as one of the first openly gay SF writers, and certainly the most successful person so far to be both.… Continue reading Book Review: The Jewels of Aptor

Anime Review: Suisei no Gargantia

Anime Review: Suisei no Gargantia In the future, Earth became uninhabitable due to extreme cold, so much of the human race took off to space.  Somehow the remainder survived through the freezing, and now Earth is a water world, where the word “land” is a legend.  The remnants of humanity live on interconnected fleets, the… Continue reading Anime Review: Suisei no Gargantia