Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2019)

The Shounen Jump stars wearing pirate hats, like the long term logo of the magazine.

Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2019) by various It’s my blog anniversary again, so time to look at the current state of Shonen Jump! The official Shonen Jump website has undergone drastic changes this year. No longer does it simulate a magazine with a cover and stories that are printed in a certain order. Instead, each… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump (2019)

Book Review: The Fifth Season

Book Review: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin The time is the far future. So far, indeed, that five or six great worldwide civilizations after our own have come, collapsed and been mostly forgotten. So far that there is only one known continent left, sarcastically known as The Stillness because of its constant tectonic activity.… Continue reading Book Review: The Fifth Season

Book Review: Roar at the Universe

Book Review: Roar at the Universe by Danith McPherson In her introduction, the author states that bad stuff happens, and people can deal with it in different ways. This anthology, then, is eleven stories and poems about characters who struggle with the bad stuff in their lives, not always successfully. “Folds of Blue Silk” starts… Continue reading Book Review: Roar at the Universe

Comic Book Review: 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2019

Comic Book Review: 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2019 edited by Tharg Artist Carlos Ezquerra was a long-time contributor to the 2000 AD comics series, including co-creating the popular Judge Dredd series with John Wagner in 1977. He passed away in October 2018, and this issue is designed as a tribute to him. “Night at the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: 2000 AD Sci-Fi Special 2019

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction

Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction edited by Donald A. Wollheim In the introduction to this 1943 anthology, Donald A. Wollheim talks about “the theory of outrageous hypotheses” which helps science progress by asking, “this is not true but what if?” These ten stories are most assuredly fictional, but point to places to… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Book of Science Fiction

Manga Review: Urusei Yatsura Vol. 1

Manga Review: Urusei Yatsura Vol. 1 by Rumiko Takahashi Have you ever had a day when a pint-sized Buddhist monk looks you in the face and tells you you have terrible luck? Ataru Moroboshi has. Repeatedly. While he’s had poor luck all his life, the young lecher’s problems really kicked into high gear when aliens… Continue reading Manga Review: Urusei Yatsura Vol. 1

Manga Review: Mob Psycho 100 Volume 1

Manga Review: Mob Psycho 100 Volume 1 by ONE Arataka Reigen is a psychic for hire, taking on people’s supernatural problems for a fee. And quite reasonable fees at that! In reality, of course, most people’s supernatural problems aren’t supernatural at all. Con artist Reigen uses his fast tongue and improvisational skills to deal with… Continue reading Manga Review: Mob Psycho 100 Volume 1

Book Review: Star Trek 2

Book Review: Star Trek 2 adapted by James Blish Once upon a time, Star Trek was not a cultural touchstone. It was, instead, a short-lived television series that was much beloved by a slice of the audience that would form the core of fandom, but with relatively poor ratings and considered soon to be forgotten… Continue reading Book Review: Star Trek 2

Book Review: A Wish Upon a Fallen Sky

Book Review: A Wish Upon a Fallen Sky by Rob Callahan Rob Callahan is a Minnesota journalist and author; this is a collection of his short fiction, some of which appeared in chapbooks that are no longer available. There are twenty-four pieces in the main section, beginning with “Episode for a New Hope”, a cautionary… Continue reading Book Review: A Wish Upon a Fallen Sky

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973

For reasons unknown to me, this issue had two different covers. There was a standard painting cover, and the one on the copy I have, which shows the contents with a few of the interior illustrations.

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973 edited by Ejler Jakobsson The last issue of this magazine I reviewed was from the 1950s, so there’s a considerable time gap, and we can see some definite changes in the science fiction field. “Think Only This of Me” by Michael Kurland opens the issue. Humanity has gone… Continue reading Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction November 1973