Magazine Review: High Adventure #168: Wonder Stories edited by John P. Gunnison This issue of pulp reprints gets its content from Wonder Stories November 1930 (when it was still edited by Hugo Gernsback) and Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942 (after Gernsback had been bought out by the Thrilling Group.) As you might imagine, this means… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #168: Wonder Stories
Tag: science fiction
Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby
Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby written by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra Chi-Town in the near future has had a law enforcement crisis and is overrun with retro gangsters reminiscent of the Roaring Twenties. Possibly the most ferocious of these felons is Al “The Beast” Bestardi, top hitman and enforcer for the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby
Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2
Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2 by Osamu Tezuka WARNING: This review contains massive SPOILERS for Volume 1 of Triton of the Sea. Triton, last surviving male member of the Triton Clan of sea-dwellers, has managed to survive everything the Poseidon Clan has thrown at him, including the 33 children of King Poseidon himself.… Continue reading Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2
Book Review: Perilous Dreams
Book Review: Perilous Dreams by Andre Norton Tamisan’s Dreaming power isn’t unique. While uncommon, enough women of her people possess the ability to create dreams for a client that there’s a thriving business involved, even drawing in tourists from off-planet. But Tamisan is skilled and more creative than many of her peers. So when she… Continue reading Book Review: Perilous Dreams
Book Review: Planets for Sale
Book Review: Planets for Sale by A.E. van Vogt and E. Mayne Hull Evana Travis was supposed to be traveling to live with her sister on Doridora III. But there was a reason this spaceflight was so inexpensive. After Earth had finally gotten its act together and improved working conditions to be actually comfortable, the… Continue reading Book Review: Planets for Sale
Movie Review: eXistenZ
Movie Review: eXistenZ (1999) directed by David Cronenberg In the not so distant future, virtual reality games are a commonplace. At a deconsecrated church, genius game designer Allegra Geller (Jennifer Jason Leigh) is about to plug a dozen lucky volunteers into a demonstration of her new title, eXistenZ. But just as she’s activating the main… Continue reading Movie Review: eXistenZ
Book Review: An Oath of Dogs
Book Review: An Oath of Dogs by Wendy N. Wagner Kate Standish (she prefers “Standish”) is looking forward to her new job as a communications technician on the colony world of Huginn. After the traumatic accident, open space is no longer a place she feels comfortable in, and the frequent cloud cover will help her… Continue reading Book Review: An Oath of Dogs
Book Review: Web of Everywhere
Book Review: Web of Everywhere by John Brunner Hans Dykstra is a criminal. Along with the blind poet Mustapha Sharif, he uses illegally obtained location codes to visit abandoned teleport stations and photograph their surroundings. This time they’ve found a surprisingly intact house in Sweden, the former owners dead of personal violence rather than war… Continue reading Book Review: Web of Everywhere
Manga Review: Zero the Beginning of the Coffin 1
Manga Review: Zero the Beginning of the Coffin 1 story by Dall-Young Lim, art by Sung-Woo Park Shuu and Sumire live in a remote cottage well away from the nearest town with their little sister/daughter Katsumi. They’re hiding from the government agency E.C.S., as they escaped from that sinister organization’s secret laboratory a decade or… Continue reading Manga Review: Zero the Beginning of the Coffin 1
Book Review: Nova 2
Book Review: Nova 2 edited by Harry Harrison In the introduction to this 1972 anthology, Mr. Harrison talks some about the internationalization of science fiction beyond North America and Western Europe. In recognition of this growing trend, he’s included a Brazilian author’s story. “Oh, and we have one story by a woman.” In reality, there… Continue reading Book Review: Nova 2