Comic Book Review: Comic Book History of Comics: Birth of a Medium

Comic Book Review: Comic Book History of Comics: Birth of a Medium written by Fred van Lente, art by Ryan Dunlavey As a long-time comic book fan, I’ve been reading books and articles about the history of comic books since the early 1970s. It was inevitable that at some point there would be a comic… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Comic Book History of Comics: Birth of a Medium

Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories

Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories edited by John P. Gunnison This volume of the long-running pulp reprint magazine dips into the pages of Science Fiction and Science Fiction Stories, a magazine that ran from 1939 to 1943 with the last two issues being under the latter name. As so often… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #170: Best of Science Fiction Stories

Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417

Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417 edited by Matt Smith I’m pretty sure I’ve mentioned before that Judge Dredd, the breakout character from 2000 AD was so popular that the publishing company spun off a monthly magazine featuring him and his world, which has lasted a remarkably long time. It’s still primarily featuring stories tangentially… Continue reading Magazine Review: Judge Dredd Megazine #417

Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000

Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000 by Felix C. Gotschalk Jonas Sum X 37A is five going on six, and has not yet fully committed to murdering his parents. The cute redheaded six year old from next door, Carol III Rex 246A, is getting impatient, as she’s already disposed of her parental figures and… Continue reading Book Review: Growing Up in Tier 3000

Movie Review: Metropolis (1927)

The machinery of Metropolis takes on a more sinister appearance once Freder sees the human cost.

Movie Review: Metropolis (1927) directed by Fritz Lang Metropolis is the city of the future; brightly lit skyscrapers connected by sky highways, and grand gardens where the children of the elite play. Metropolis is the city of the future; workers spend half their days working at dangerous machines they do not fully understand the function of,… Continue reading Movie Review: Metropolis (1927)

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson edited by Roger Elwood Poul Anderson (1926-2001) was an influential American science fiction author, first published in 1947 and winning seven Hugos and three Nebulas for his work. By the 1970s, he was well enough known, and had a large enough body of short fiction, that DAW Books… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Magazine Review: High Adventure #168: Wonder Stories

Magazine Review: High Adventure #168: Wonder Stories edited by John P. Gunnison This issue of pulp reprints gets its content from Wonder Stories November 1930 (when it was still edited by Hugo Gernsback) and Thrilling Wonder Stories December 1942 (after Gernsback had been bought out by the Thrilling Group.) As you might imagine, this means… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #168: Wonder Stories

Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby

Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby written by John Wagner, art by Carlos Ezquerra Chi-Town in the near future has had a law enforcement crisis and is overrun with retro gangsters reminiscent of the Roaring Twenties. Possibly the most ferocious of these felons is Al “The Beast” Bestardi, top hitman and enforcer for the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Complete Al’s Baby

Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2

Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2 by Osamu Tezuka WARNING: This review contains massive SPOILERS for Volume 1 of Triton of the Sea. Triton, last surviving male member of the Triton Clan of sea-dwellers, has managed to survive everything the Poseidon Clan has thrown at him, including the 33 children of King Poseidon himself.… Continue reading Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2

Book Review: Perilous Dreams

Book Review: Perilous Dreams by Andre Norton Tamisan’s Dreaming power isn’t unique. While uncommon, enough women of her people possess the ability to create dreams for a client that there’s a thriving business involved, even drawing in tourists from off-planet. But Tamisan is skilled and more creative than many of her peers. So when she… Continue reading Book Review: Perilous Dreams