Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents: Showcase Volume 1

Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents: Showcase Volume 1 In Ouroboros  fashion, DC’s line of black and white reprint comics returns to its roots. Back in 1956, National Comics (DC) had more ideas for comic books than they had publishing slots to put them in, and readers asking for dozens of different concepts. So they came… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents: Showcase Volume 1

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha Let’s start with something hefty, shall we?  Shounen Jump is the #1 manga anthology magazine in Japan, selling in the millions of copies.  Its emphasis on the themes of “friendship, struggle, victory!” have made it a favorite of both its primary demographic of teenage boys (“shounen”) and the general public.… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump Alpha