Movie Review: The Adventures of Rex and Rinty (1935) directed by Ford Beebe On the island of Sujan in the Indian Ocean, the natives worship the horse god. They venerate all horses, but only one is the incarnation of the horse god, the God-Horse Rex, King of the Wild Horses (Rex). Wealthy and unscrupulous polo player… Continue reading Movie Review: The Adventures of Rex and Rinty
Tag: rescue missions
Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection
Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection by Leiji Matsumoto It is the year 2199, and the Earth is dying. For a change, it’s not directly the fault of the Earthling humans. Invaders from the planet Gamilas have been bombarding Earth with radioactive bombs, poisoning the atmosphere. A message from a far off world,… Continue reading Manga Review: Space Battleship Yamato the Classic Collection
Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon
Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon (aka T.P. Bon) Bon Namihira is a fairly normal (his name would translate to something like “Joe Average” in English) middle schooler. His grades are in the middle of the pack, he’s not particularly athletic but no wimp, he’s not particularly popular but does have friends. But when time starts… Continue reading Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon
Book Review: The Planet Explorer
Book Review: The Planet Explorer by Murray Leinster This “novel” is more of a story cycle, a set of four novelettes about the career of Bordman, an officer of Colonial Survey (“Colonial Survey” being the title this collection was first published under.) It’s set in a future where humanity is constantly expanding through the galaxy.… Continue reading Book Review: The Planet Explorer
Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4
Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4 written by Kurt Busiek, art by Brent Anderson, covers by Alex Ross Astro City is filled with superheroes and supervillains. But it’s also filled with ordinary people trying to live their ordinary lives in an extraordinary world. Both these groups have stories to tell. This independent “universe” was… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Astro City Metrobook 4
Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation
Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation by Joan D. Vinge | Steven G. Spruil “Binary Star” was a short-lived series of paperbacks from Dell SF in the late 1970s/early 1980s. Their gimmick was pairs of novellas with a loose theme, something like the classic Ace Doubles. #4 was the first with… Continue reading Book Review: Binary Star #4: Legacy | The Janus Equation
Book Review: The Crystal Stopper
Book Review: The Crystal Stopper by Maurice Leblanc Arsène Lupin should probably have been more cautious when two members of his gang, Vaucheray and Gilbert, asked him to assist with the burglary of the Enghien country home of government deputy Daubrecq. But Vaucheray is experienced, and Lupin is impressed with Gilbert’s good character (for a… Continue reading Book Review: The Crystal Stopper
Book Review: Pilgrims with Blades A01: Pressed into Service
Book Review: Pilgrims with Blades A01: Pressed Into Service by Douglas Van Dyke Jr. The city-state of Kashmer, in the realm of Dhea Loral, has a problem. One of its nobles has been captured by orcs, and the ransom asked is ludicrous. It’s actually cheaper to mobilize the military; while the army attacks from one… Continue reading Book Review: Pilgrims with Blades A01: Pressed into Service
Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction
Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction edited by Groff Conklin “A Treasury of Science Fiction” was first published as a hardback in 1948; the edition I read was the paperback reprint from 1957 which only contains eight of the original thirty stories. This was one of the first major science fiction collections, and set… Continue reading Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction
Book Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel
Book Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel by Baroness Emmuska Orczy It is the height of the Reign of Terror, after the fervor of the French Revolution turned from freedom to revenge. In an effort to unify the country both against outside enemies and counter-revolutionaries, the Committee of Public Safety holds trials of those suspected of acting… Continue reading Book Review: The Scarlet Pimpernel