Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Cover by Jeffrey Ray Hayes, illustrating "ESPD." The distressing is part of the cover design.

Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025 edited by Robert Greenberger Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. A lesser known aspect of pulp fandom is the creation of new stories in the tradition of the pulp magazines of old, action-packed and exciting. Thus this series of books which feature modern authors trying their… Continue reading Book Review: Thrilling Adventure Yarns 2025

Book Review: Ireland for Beginners

Book Review: Ireland for Beginners by Phil Evans and Eileen Pollock This is not a full history of Ireland, but more a chronology of its subjugation by England, and its long struggle for independence. Thus it begins in 1169 with a Norman invasion invited in by a deposed Irish king. Henry II of England decides… Continue reading Book Review: Ireland for Beginners

Book Review: The Saracen Blade

Cover by James Mooso

Book Review: The Saracen Blade by Frank Yerby The Holy Roman Emperor Frederick II was born in Jesi, Italy in 1194. But another child was born on that day in that place. Pietro, son of Donati the armorer and his lovely wife Maria, was delivered by one of the same midwives as she’d gone into… Continue reading Book Review: The Saracen Blade

Manga Review: One Hundred Tales

Manga Review: One Hundred Tales by Osamu Tezuka It is the Warring States period of Ancient Japan. Ichirui Hanri, though of the samurai social class, has been an accountant his entire life, never training in combat or lifting a sword. This has not prevented him from getting caught up in a rebellion against the lord,… Continue reading Manga Review: One Hundred Tales

Comic Book Review: Essential Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1

Comic Book Review: Essential Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1 by Various Creators Much like DC, Marvel Comics also had dedicated superhero team-up series. Marvel Two-in-One featured perennial favorite character Benjamin Grimm, the Thing of the Fantastic Four–and I’ve never done a review of anything with him before, so first, a bit of character history! Fantastic Four… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Essential Marvel Two-In-One Vol. 1

Anime Review: Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy (2022)

Dark Schneider before his death.

Anime Review: Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy (2022) Centuries ago on a planet named Earth, there was a great scientific civilization. But Man grew proud, and created its own new god, Anthrasax, Goddess of Destruction. Naturally, they could not control it, and the old world ended. Now, science is virtually unknown, magic and wizards are… Continue reading Anime Review: Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy (2022)

Book Review: Star Bridge

Book Review: Star Bridge by Jack Williamson and James E. Gunn It is considerable time into the future, and humanity has gone to the stars. At first they crawled out and scattered, because the lightspeed limit meant it took forever to get anywhere interesting and there was no way to establish meaningful ties between worlds.… Continue reading Book Review: Star Bridge

Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds

Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds edited by Andrew Nette and Iain McIntyre Subtitled “Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985” this book is a collection of essays about how science fiction (or perhaps “speculative fiction” is a better phrase) changed and adapted to reflect the changing issues and social concerns of the Cold War period, and… Continue reading Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds

Manga Review: Basara Vol. 1

Manga Review: Basara, Vol. 1 by Yumi Tamura In the early 21st Century, a disaster befell the Earth, drastically altering its climate and causing Japan’s civilization to crumble. But that was in the distant past, and the islands have become united again under a feudalistic society ruled by the Golden King. Fearful of being overthrown… Continue reading Manga Review: Basara Vol. 1

Book Review: The Caballero

Book Review: The Caballero by Johnston McCulley Don Fernando Venagas is close to the top of the social pecking order in Spanish California, and he knows it. He is, after all, a wealthy caballero of the pure aristocratic blood, skilled with both horse and sword. As such, he thinks little of those below his status.… Continue reading Book Review: The Caballero