Magazine Review: High Adventure #144 Captain Battle

Magazine Review: High Adventure #144 Captain Battle edited by John P. Gunnison This issue of the pulp reprint magazine has two stories by renowned adventure writer H. Bedford-Jones, both from the pages of People’s.  People’s was a Street & Smith publication that ran from 1906 to 1924 under varying titles, all of which had “People’s” in them.… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #144 Captain Battle

Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot

Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot by Frank C. Robertson (Also published as Greener Grows the Grass) Chet Calder has spent eight years in the East.  Now the death of his father Dave Calder, and the crash of the stock market mean that there’s nothing left but the DC ranch.   On the stage into Calder City, Chet… Continue reading Book Review: Cowman’s Jack-Pot

Book Review: Peril by Ponytail

Book Review: Peril by Ponytail by Nancy J Cohen Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it.  No other compensation was involved.  Also, this is an advance uncorrected proof, and there will be some changes in the final product.  (Such as fixing the typo on the… Continue reading Book Review: Peril by Ponytail

Magazine Review: High Adventure #127: Masked Rider Western

Magazine Review: High Adventure #127: Masked Rider Western edited by John P. Gunnison High Adventure is a pulp reprint magazine, reprinting stories (and sometimes whole issues) from the adventure magazines of the 1930s and 1940s.  They switch up so that no two consecutive issues are the same subject, although certain character series recur frequently.  In this… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #127: Masked Rider Western

Movie Review: Blue Steel

Movie Review: Blue Steel This is a 1934 Western starring John Wayne, Gabby Hayes and Yakima Canutt. Wayne’s character witnesses a safe robbery by the Polka-Dot Bandit.  But Sheriff Hayes witnesses the events just after that, and thinks Wayne is the bandit.  While Wayne trails the bandit and Hayes tags along in hopes Wayne will… Continue reading Movie Review: Blue Steel

TV Review: Bonanza

TV Review: Bonanza I recently watched a dozen episodes of this classic Western series (1959-1973) on a Mill Creek discount DVD release.  Apparently, some episodes from the first two seasons have fallen into the public domain.  But not the music, so the evocative opening theme was dubbed over with twangy generic “Western” music. Ben Cartwright… Continue reading TV Review: Bonanza