Comic Book Review: Seven Secrets Volume One

Comic Book Review: Seven Secrets Volume One written by Tom Taylor, illustrated by Danielle di Nicuolo On an alternate Earth, there are seven secrets that could allow a person to rule or destroy the world. Each of them is somehow contained in a relatively ordinary-looking briefcase. To protect these briefcases, the Order of the Seven… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Seven Secrets Volume One

Book Review: The Windsor Knot

Book Review: The Windsor Knot by S.J. Bennett Disclaimer: I received an advance reader’s edition through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or requested. Some small changes may be present in the final edition. It is April 2016, and Queen Elizabeth II is in residence at… Continue reading Book Review: The Windsor Knot

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern: Legacy

Comic Book Review: Green Lantern: Legacy Author Minh Le, Illustrator Andie Tong Three generations live in the cramped apartment above the Jade Market. Tai Pham is okay with this. He loves his parents and especially his grandmother Kim Tran, who founded this neighborhood store when she and his grandfather came to America from Vietnam. But… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Green Lantern: Legacy

Magazine Review: Strange Fantasy Spring 1970

The stories illustrated on the cover are, from left, "The Shrine of Temptation", "Sword of Flowers" and "Planet of Change".

Magazine Review: Strange Fantasy Spring 1970 “Strange Fantasy” was a short-lived reprint digest-sized magazine from Ultimate Publishing. This issue’s stories were originally published between 1959 and 1964, which somewhat belies the cover text. “The Shrine of Temptation” by Judith Merril starts us off with an anthropologist’s tale of a mysterious shrine on an isolated island.… Continue reading Magazine Review: Strange Fantasy Spring 1970

Comic Book Review: Sword Princess Amaltea #1

Comic Book Review: Sword Princess Amaltea #1 by Natalia Batista Princess Amaltea of the Queendom of the Green Highlands has always been overshadowed by her elder sister, Princess Dorotea. Since their society practices primogeniture through the female line, Dorotea is the heir to Queen Galatea. If Amaltea wants a queendom, she must find a prince… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Sword Princess Amaltea #1

Manga Review: Berserk #40

Manga Review: Berserk #40 by Kentaro Miura Recap: After many trials and tribulations, the cursed swordsman Guts and his traveling companions have at last reached the island of Elfheim. While the others recuperate, the elf queen Danan allows young witch Schierke and former Holy Maiden Farnese to enter Casca’s dreams in an effort to free… Continue reading Manga Review: Berserk #40

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson edited by Roger Elwood Poul Anderson (1926-2001) was an influential American science fiction author, first published in 1947 and winning seven Hugos and three Nebulas for his work. By the 1970s, he was well enough known, and had a large enough body of short fiction, that DAW Books… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Manga Review: Berserk Volume 39

Manga Review: Berserk Volume 39 by Kentaro Miura Note: This post contains SPOILERS for previous volumes of the series. Quick recap: Guts, the Black Swordsman, cuts a swath across the demon-infested country of Midland. Once a member of the famous Band of the Hawk, until they were betrayed by their leader (and Guts’ best friend)… Continue reading Manga Review: Berserk Volume 39

Movie Review: Excalibur

Movie Review: Excalibur (1981) directed by John Boorman It is the Dimly-Lit Ages, and nearly indistinguishable armored warriors clash in the night. A man stands apart and calls quietly, yet is heard clearly. It is Merlin, and the warlord to whom he speaks is Uther Pendragon. Merlin is guiding Uther’s rise to power over the land,… Continue reading Movie Review: Excalibur

Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster

Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster words by Tom Angleberger, art by Jared Chapman Disclaimer: I received an Uncorrected Proof through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there may be changes in the final product–in particular, some… Continue reading Book Review: Didi Dodo, Future Spy: Recipe for Disaster