Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

"Honey, did you ever wonder if we're living in a Daphne Du Maurier story?"

Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (2001) directed by Chris Columbus Once upon a time, there was an Ugly Muggle named Harry. The Muggle family he lived with neglected, bullied and abused him because he was so bad at being a Muggle. But then one day a friendly giant appeared, and revealed to Harry… Continue reading Movie Review: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone

Book Review: Cryogenic Nightmare

Cover art by George Wilson.

Book Review: Cryogenic Nightmare by Lionel Derrick “Preacher” Mann got that nickname when he converted to vegetarianism and became one of those obnoxious people who insist on telling you about it and their newfound superiority for not eating meat. But because he’s a murderous crimelord who controls West Palm Beach, very few people are willing… Continue reading Book Review: Cryogenic Nightmare

Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon

Version 1.0.0

Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon edited by Jonathan W. Sweet Once upon a time, humans went to the moon. Yes, the moon up in the sky! It was awesome, but then other matters took precedence, and there wasn’t the budget, and we just never went back. But we still dream of moon exploration… Continue reading Book Review: Pulp Adventures on the Moon

Book Review: The Best of Analog

Cover art by Alex Schomburg.

Book Review: The Best of Analog edited by Ben Bova After the death of long-time editor John W. Campbell in 1971, Analog Science Fiction and Fact needed a new person at the helm. The winner of the selection process was Ben Bova (1932-2020), who intended to stay only a few years, those years winding up… Continue reading Book Review: The Best of Analog

Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #38: Superman Vs. the Supernatural

Cover by Hannigan & Smith

Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #38: Superman Vs. the Supernatural edited by Nicola Cuti As I’ve mentioned before, Superman’s impressive array of powers at the top of the super-scale make him a hard character to write challenges for. This led to the invention of Kryptonite and its subsequent overuse as a plot device.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Best of DC #38: Superman Vs. the Supernatural

Book Review: The Society of Nine

Book Review: The Society of Nine by Nick Carter Nick Carter, Killmaster-ranked agent of AXE, is called away from one of his rare days off when it’s discovered that a recently deceased assassin is a near dead ringer for him. The plan is for Nick to disguise himself as Anglo-Irish sniper Liam McDaniel and meet… Continue reading Book Review: The Society of Nine

Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors

Cover by Don Ivan Punchatz

Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors edited by Groff Conklin and Noah D. Fabricant, M.D. While medical doctors are common and important in science fiction, stories directly about them or the field of medicine are a bit rarer. It was one magazine’s speculation that it would be difficult to fill an anthology with really… Continue reading Book Review: Great Science Fiction About Doctors

Manga Review: Cat-Eyed Boy The Perfect Edition 1

Manga Review: Cat-Eyed Boy The Perfect Edition 1 by Kazuo Umezz The “Cat-Eyed Boy” is the son of a nekomata cat monster who for reasons unknown but probably involving infidelity, was born far more humanoid in appearance than his parents. His mother died in childbirth and his putative father abandoned him some months later at… Continue reading Manga Review: Cat-Eyed Boy The Perfect Edition 1

Magazine Review: The Drift Fall 2023

Cover by Ivy Sanders Schneider, inspired by Adolph Dehn's cover for "The Liberator" December 1921 issue.

Magazine Review: The Drift Fall 2023 edited by Kiara Barrow and Rebecca Panovka This one’s a relatively new literary magazine, having started during the pandemic. The editorial slant appears to be socialist and class-conscious. Let’s see what this issue has to offer us. The opening editorial is on “Corrupt Organizations”, talking about the use and… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Drift Fall 2023

Comic Book Review: Green Lama Volume One

Comic Book Review: Green Lama Volume One by various creators. The Green Lama started life as a pulp character created by Kendell Foster Crossen in 1940. He almost immediately began appearing in comic books as well, and had his own radio show. Surprisingly, Ken Crossen had managed to hold on to the rights to the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Green Lama Volume One