TV Review: The Untamed

Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian enjoy a quiet moment between tragedies.

TV Review: The Untamed At the beginning, Wei Wuxian (Zhan Xiao) dies. The cultivation clans have banded together at Nightless City to battle the Yiling Patriarch, master of the dark arts. Wei Wuxian is confronted by his adoptive brother Jiang Cheng (Zhuocheng Wang) and best friend Lan Wangji (Yibo Wang). Wei winds up plummeting off… Continue reading TV Review: The Untamed

Book Review: Fletch and the Man Who

Book Review: Fletch and the Man Who by Gregory McDonald It’s still early in the presidential primary process, but Governor Caxton Wheeler’s campaign has already hit a road bump. His long-time press representative had to be let go due to a feud with Mrs. Wheeler. A fresh new face has to be found to deal… Continue reading Book Review: Fletch and the Man Who

Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1949

Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1949 edited by Ellery Queen It’s time for another issue of this venerable mystery magazine. The cover this time is uncredited, and does not directly match any of the stories in the issue. “Double Exposure” by Ben Hecht opens the issue with a tale of a psychiatrist who… Continue reading Magazine Review: Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine August 1949

Movie Review: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Arthur and Bedivere behold Castle Aaargh.

Movie Review: Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975) directed by Terry Gilliam It is 932 A.D., and Arthur, King of the Britons(Graham Chapman), is looking for knights to join him at his Round Table in Camelot. Mind you, not everyone is impressed by his title. His initial attempt at recruitment is derailed into a discussion… Continue reading Movie Review: Monty Python and the Holy Grail

Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Mr. Carpenter finally explains himself to Helen.

Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) dir. Robert Wise The humans of Earth are a fractious lot. Why, just six years ago, they had an entire World War, as a result of which they created and used atomic weapons. You’d think they would have learned their lesson, but instead they went right into… Continue reading Movie Review: The Day the Earth Stood Still

Book Review: The Sea Chase

Book Review: The Sea Chase by Andrew Geer Sydney Harbour is bustling on this September day in 1939, but one ship, the Ergenstrasse, lies idle, waiting to fill her sadly depleted coal bunkers. This ship is part of the German merchant marine, and everyone is well aware that it is only a matter of time… Continue reading Book Review: The Sea Chase

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Volume Ten

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Volume Ten by Makoto Yukimura Warning: This review will contain spoilers for previous volumes, so you may want to read the reviews for those first. It is still the age of Vikings. Thorfinn’s voyage to Greece to sell narwhal tusks so he can finance an expedition to Vinland has been interrupted… Continue reading Manga Review: Vinland Saga Volume Ten

Book Review: Tempests and Slaughter

Book Review: Tempests and Slaughter by Tamora Pierce Arram Draper is a magical prodigy, but he’s still only ten years old (even if he tells his classmates he’s eleven.) So he’s really excited to be allowed to go to the circus with his father and grandfather while they’re in town. And yes, the elephants are really cool, especially when one saves him… Continue reading Book Review: Tempests and Slaughter

Book Review: The Lost Millennium | The Road to the Rim

Book Review: The Lost Millennium by Walt & Leigh Richmond | The Road to the Rim by A. Bertram Chandler It’s time, again, to review an Ace Double, one of those formats so dear to my youth that has since vanished. The Lost Millennium has as its frame story an engineer being approached by an archaeologist about his… Continue reading Book Review: The Lost Millennium | The Road to the Rim

Book Review: Mammoths of the Great Plains

Book Review: Mammoths of the Great Plains by Eleanor Arnason On an alternate Earth, the mammoth lived into historical times, abiding with the bison and the Native Americans.   But then Lewis and Clark saw their first mammoth, and reported on it to President Jefferson and the teeming masses of the East.   This is the story of… Continue reading Book Review: Mammoths of the Great Plains