Magazine Review: High Adventure #160: Ten Detective Aces Special edited by John P. Gunnison Ten Detective Aces started publication in 1928 under the title The Dragnet Magazine and primarily featured gangster stories. Public interest in gangsters as a separate subgenre was fading, so in 1930 the magazine started featuring more general crime and detective stories under the title Detective-Dragnet Magazine, and in 1933 switched to Ten… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #160: Ten Detective Aces Special
Tag: New York
Book Review: The New Adventures of Ellery Queen
Book Review: The New Adventures of Ellery Queen by Ellery Queen Ellery Queen was the shared pen name of Frederic Dannay and Manfred Bennington Lee, as well as the main character of the mystery stories they wrote. Starting with The Roman Hat Mystery in 1929, they wrote many novels and short stories about a brainy mystery writer solving crimes (and then writing about them in the third… Continue reading Book Review: The New Adventures of Ellery Queen
Book Review: The World of HIstory
Book Review: The World of History edited by Courtlandt Canby & Nancy E. Gross History is a very wide and deep subject. It extends from the beginning of the universe (though much before written records is speculative at best) to just this last minute, and from the movements of great nations to what precisely people… Continue reading Book Review: The World of HIstory
Book Review: The Inimitable Jeeves
Book Review: The Inimitable Jeeves by P.G. Wodehouse Bertie Wooster may not be the sharpest tool in the shed, as he will sometimes admit. But compared to some of his friends among the idle rich of England, Bertie’s a model of intellect and common sense. For example, Bertie knows that keeping his valet Jeeves in… Continue reading Book Review: The Inimitable Jeeves
Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader
Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader edited by H.L. Gold Galaxy Magazine had a decent run with a lot of good stories, so it’s not surprising that even this fourth collection of fifteen science fiction reprints from the 1950s has a strong selection. (I recognized almost all of these!) There’s an introduction which runs down inferior… Continue reading Book Review: The Fourth Galaxy Reader
Comic Book Review: Action Presidents: George Washington
Comic Book Review: Action Presidents: George Washington by Fred van Lente and Ryan Dunlavey Our story begins with two modern tweens glued to their portal screen devices while Parson Weems bores them with the cherry tree legend. The day is salvaged when Noah the Historkey appears and reveals that George Washington’s father Augustine didn’t raise… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Action Presidents: George Washington
Comic Book Review: Rocket Girl Vol:01
Comic Book Review: Rocket Girl Vol:01 written by Brandon Montclare, art by Amy Reeder In 1986, Quintum Mechanics developed the Q-Engine, which allowed time travel. By 2013, they have become the most powerful corporation on Earth, owning New York City outright. But Detective Dayoung Johansson of the New York Teen Police Department has an informant… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Rocket Girl Vol:01
Magazine Review: Lapham’s Quarterly: A History of Fake News
Magazine Review: Lapham’s Quarterly: A History of Fake News edited by Lewis H. Lapham This is a “special issue” in addition to the four that this magazine normally puts out in a year. The subject matter is topical as there has been an avalanche of “news” that is in fact not truthful, while certain politicians and… Continue reading Magazine Review: Lapham’s Quarterly: A History of Fake News
Comic Book Review: Essential Killraven Vol. 1
Comic Book Review: Essential Killraven Vol. 1 by various In the far future Earth of 2018, the Martian invaders rule. Having learned their lesson from their last attempt, this time the Martians immunized themselves against Earth diseases, and neutralized the humans’ nuclear stockpiles before landing. Scattered free humans scrabble for survival in the ruins of… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Essential Killraven Vol. 1
Book Review: Green Kills
Book Review: Green Kills by Avi Domoshevizki Disclaimer: I received a download of this book through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of this review. No other compensation was offered or requested. Ronnie Saar knew venture capital was a cutthroat business when he agreed to become a partner in one of the top firms. He… Continue reading Book Review: Green Kills