Book Review: Strangers of Different Ink

Book Review: Strangers of Different Ink edited by Richard & Allen Okewole Disclaimer:  I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. This anthology of short stories appears to be primarily by authors in the Philadelphia area.  Other than that, there doesn’t seem to be a particular theme,… Continue reading Book Review: Strangers of Different Ink

Book Review: The Case of the Tiffany Killer

Book Review: The Case of the Tiffany Killer by A. R. Rampa Disclosure:  I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Peggy Hart is the best-dressed and most curious teenage girl in Pinewood, a lovely small town that’s probably in Ohio.  She’s put her curiosity to good… Continue reading Book Review: The Case of the Tiffany Killer

Book Review: City of Scoundrels: The 12 Days of Disaster That Gave Birth to Modern Chicago

Book Review: City of Scoundrels: The 12 Days of Disaster That Gave Birth to Modern Chicago by Gary Krist Full disclosure: I was sent this volume as a Firstreads giveaway on the premise that I would write a review of it.   Also, my copy was an uncorrected proof, and small changes may have been made… Continue reading Book Review: City of Scoundrels: The 12 Days of Disaster That Gave Birth to Modern Chicago

Book Review: Board to Death

Book Review: Board to Death by Amy Barkman, Debbie Roome &  Gretchen Anderson Disclosure: I received this book as part of the Firstreads giveaway program on the premise that I would write a review of it. As the subtitle says, this is a set of three mystery stories linked by the theme of games. It’s… Continue reading Book Review: Board to Death

Book Review: Cell 8

Book Review: Cell 8 by Anders Roslund & Borge Hellstrom Disclaimer: I received this advanced reading copy from the publisher as part of the Firstreads giveaway program on the assumption that I would review it.  Minor changes may be present in the final version. “Cell 8” is part of the Scandinavian thriller/mystery fad currently going on… Continue reading Book Review: Cell 8

Book Review: Until Thy Wrath Be Past

Book Review: Until Thy Wrath Be Past by Asa Larsson Disclaimer: I received this as a prize in a Goodreads giveaway (the first one I ever won; I’m reprinting my old reviews until I can finish a new book), and reviewed it on that basis. Also, this was an advance proof copy, and minor changes… Continue reading Book Review: Until Thy Wrath Be Past

Book Review: Washington Masquerade

Book Review: Washington Masquerade by Warren Adler Disclaimer:  I received this book as part of a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. When Adam Burns, a vitriolic newspaper columnist who savaged the U.S. President at every opportunity, is found dead under suspicious circumstances, the media immediately picks up the “government conspiracy”… Continue reading Book Review: Washington Masquerade

Book Review: Hunting Season: Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town

Book Review: Hunting Season: Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town by Mirta Ojito Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. In 2008, an Ecuadorian immigrant, Marcelo Lucero, was murdered by a group of teenagers in Patchouge,  New York.  They had been looking for “Mexicans”… Continue reading Book Review: Hunting Season: Immigration and Murder in an All-American Town

Book Review: Angel of Darkness

Book Review: Angel of Darkness by Charles de Lint Back in the early 1990s, Charles de Lint decided to publish some darker fantasy/horror books under the name Samuel M. Key, as some of the fans weren’t thrilled by him going in a horror direction.  By the 21st Century, it was decided Mr. de Lint’s reputation… Continue reading Book Review: Angel of Darkness

Book Review: Kiss Your Elbow

Book Review: Kiss Your Elbow by Alan Handley Before Harlequin became the go-to publisher for romance paperbacks, it published other genres as well, primarily trashy crime novels with steamy bits.  As part of the publisher’s 60th anniversary, it’s reprinting some of these early works, including the one being reviewed here. Tim Briscoe is an actor in late… Continue reading Book Review: Kiss Your Elbow