Anime Review: God Mazinger

God Mazinger in iinert form.

Anime Review: God Mazinger In a time before history as we know it, the ancient kingdom of Mu is under attack by the Dragonian Empire. King Dorado, leader of Dragonia, has slain the previous rulers for refusing to give in to his demands, and the modified dinosaurs he creates using superscience are nearly unstoppable with… Continue reading Anime Review: God Mazinger

Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2

Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2 by Osamu Tezuka WARNING: This review contains massive SPOILERS for Volume 1 of Triton of the Sea. Triton, last surviving male member of the Triton Clan of sea-dwellers, has managed to survive everything the Poseidon Clan has thrown at him, including the 33 children of King Poseidon himself.… Continue reading Manga Review: Triton of the Sea 2

Book Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Mad

Book Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Mad by E. Randall Floyd American history is full of offbeat people, some downright weird.  The author was (like many a lad) fascinated by their stories when he was young.  Then he got to interview Erich von Daeniken (Chariots of the Gods) and decided to make writing about… Continue reading Book Review: The Good, the Bad, and the Mad