Anime Review: God Mazinger

God Mazinger in iinert form.

Anime Review: God Mazinger In a time before history as we know it, the ancient kingdom of Mu is under attack by the Dragonian Empire. King Dorado, leader of Dragonia, has slain the previous rulers for refusing to give in to his demands, and the modified dinosaurs he creates using superscience are nearly unstoppable with… Continue reading Anime Review: God Mazinger

Comic Book Review: Spy Ninjas: Virtual Reality Madness!

Comic Book Review: Spy Ninjas: Virtual Reality Madness! written by Vannotes, illustrated by Mike Anderson The Spy Ninjas, a team of brave Youtubers who battle evil hackers, investigate an abandoned base of their archenemies, Project Zorgo. No attempt has been made to clean up the damage from the battle here some time ago. Checking the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Spy Ninjas: Virtual Reality Madness!

TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries

Judge Dee and his bailiffs go undercover for an investigation.

TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries According to historical records, Judge Dee is based on a real-life person, Di Renjie (630-704), a magistrate and court official of the Tang Dynasty who was well regarded for his ability to resolve difficult cases and many wise actions in governance. In the Ming Dynasty of the 18th Century, a… Continue reading TV Review: Judge Dee Mysteries

Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1

Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1 written by Pat Mills, art by Kevin O’Neill and Jesus Redondo In the distant future, the planet once called Earth is now Termight. Its surface is blasted and twisted, while the interior is hollowed out with an intricate network of tunnels that are home to the Termight… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Nemesis the Warlock Volume 1

Manga Review: Mao Volumes 14 & 15

Manga Review: Mao Volumes 14 & 15 by Rumiko Takahashi Recap: Nanoka Kiba is a modern girl who was cursed by the cat ayakashi (monstrous spirit) Byoki. Among the results is that she can travel between the 21st Century (it’s currently 2020) and the Taisho Era of Japan. In that 1920s setting, she became involved… Continue reading Manga Review: Mao Volumes 14 & 15

Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Lilique knows you can't pilot giant robots properly if you don't have good nutrition!

Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury The year is 122 Ad Stella, presumably counting from the establishment of the first permanent space colony. Various corporations were quick to expand their presence, and with the discovery of the miracle substance Permet, the various space nations became more powerful than Earth. The Benerit Group… Continue reading Anime Review: Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch from Mercury

Movie Review: The Jade Mask

Movie Review: The Jade Mask (1945) directed by Phil Rosen Inspector Charlie Chan (Sidney Toler) is flying back to Washington, D.C. soon, and has already checked out of his hotel. So when he’s called away to investigate a possible murder, his psuedo-intellectual Number Four Son Edward “Eddie” Chan (Edwin Luke) and highly nervous chauffeur Birmingham Brown… Continue reading Movie Review: The Jade Mask

Manga Review: Deserter

Manga Review: Deserter by Junji Ito This volume says that the contents are mostly from the early horror work of noted manga creator Junji Ito. There’s no initial publication dates in the indicia, but his debut was in 1987, so I’m guessing late Eighties to early Nineties. Let’s see what his stuff was like before… Continue reading Manga Review: Deserter

Manga Review: The Crater

Manga Review: The Crater by Osamu Tezuka In the late 1960s, Osamu Tezuka’s career was facing a crisis. He was still popular, with publishers quite willing to buy more of the kid-friendly material he’d become famous for. But he wasn’t a trend-setter anymore. The new generation of manga creators was into gekiga, more serious and… Continue reading Manga Review: The Crater

Movie Review: The Road Warrior (1981)

Max "enjoys" an air evac.

Movie Review: The Road Warrior (1981) directed by George Miller (aka Mad Max 2) The effects of nuclear war, climate change, civil unrest and overreliance on fossil fuels has resulted in the collapse of Australian civilization, making the cities unlivable. Max Rockatansky (Mel Gibson) had already begun wandering the wastelands before the final crisis after the former… Continue reading Movie Review: The Road Warrior (1981)