Comic Book Review: Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell edited by Russell Nohelty I hope you’re not tired of Lovecraftian cosmic horror yet, because I’ve got more to come. In this case, it’s an anthology of Cthulhu Mythos-related comics, focused on the “gods” of that cycle, and new critters that fit in with that theme. Despite… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Cthulhu Is Hard to Spell
Tag: Mars
Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1
Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1 by Naoko Takeuchi Usagi Tsukino is a more or less typical fourteen-year-old girl. She likes food, video games, and sleeping, and dislikes homework and tests. She’s clumsy and a bit of a crybaby, but has a good heart and a kind streak. Also, she has… Continue reading Manga Review: Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Naoko Takeuchi Collection 1
Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957)
Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957) edited by Gideon Marcus As the introduction by Janice L. Newman points out, women have written science fiction all along. The percentage of them getting published at any given time in the magazines and books waxed and waned, but they were always there. In the… Continue reading Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957)
Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time
Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time edited by Raymond J. Healy This 1951 anthology opens with an introduction by Anthony Boucher. In it he notes the proliferation of science fiction anthologies at the time, most of which were reprints of magazine stories. Often the same stories, over and over–not bad because they are… Continue reading Book Review: New Tales of Space and Time
Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021 edited by Sheila Williams Back in 1977, Isaac Asimov was one of the top three or so science fiction writers in the world, and had a very strong personal brand. So when Davis Publications wanted to create a “name brand magazine” for science fiction like Ellery Queen Mystery… Continue reading Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
Webtoon Review: Invincible
Webtoon Review: Invincible Markus “Mark” Grayson is, on the surface, a fairly typical teenager in his final year of high school. He studies, is interested in a girl, has a terrible part time job, and worries about living up to his father’s expectations. What makes this a bit more unusual is that Mark’s father Nolan… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Invincible
Movie Review: The War of the Worlds (1953)
Movie Review: The War of the Worlds (1953) directed by Byron Haskin It is the mid-Twentieth Century, and what appears to be a meteor lands near a small town in rural California. Among the people that come to see the object is Dr. Clayton Forrester (Gene Barry), a physicist from the Pacific Institute who’d been fishing… Continue reading Movie Review: The War of the Worlds (1953)
Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series
Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr (also printed as “World’s Best Science Fiction 1967”) The introduction to this volume of science fiction stories from 1966 mentions that there was a tendency to longer stories in the field, perhaps because many of the ideas required more… Continue reading Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series
Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction
Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction edited by Groff Conklin “A Treasury of Science Fiction” was first published as a hardback in 1948; the edition I read was the paperback reprint from 1957 which only contains eight of the original thirty stories. This was one of the first major science fiction collections, and set… Continue reading Book Review: A Treasury of Science Fiction
Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954
Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954 edited by Harry Harrison This is the final issue of the magazine, one of the Lester del Rey-edited issues of which I reviewed earlier. We open the issue with “The Science in Science Fiction”, an editorial by Harry Harrison. He’s thrilled about the expansion of types of science… Continue reading Magazine Review: Science Fiction Adventures May 1954