Movie Review: The Case of the Velvet Claws (1936) directed by William Clemens Perry Mason (Warren Williams) invades the night court of Judge Mary F O’Daugherty (Clara Blandick) with an urgent matter–marrying his secretary, Della Street (Claire Dodd)! As the happy couple pose for the press photographers, Perry announces his retirement from criminal law. From now… Continue reading Movie Review: The Case of the Velvet Claws
Tag: marriage
Comic Book Review: Holmes: The Bento Cases
Comic Book Review: Holmes: The Bento Cases by various creators Bento Comics was an artist collective that allowed fans to select stories from their members to put together in bespoke anthologies. At conventions, they’d sell themed volumes to demonstrate the concept; I reviewed their Peter Pan anthology some years back. This collection is on the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Holmes: The Bento Cases
Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman
Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman edited by Julius Schwartz This is an imaginary story–aren’t they all?” –Allan Moore, “Whatever Happened to the Man of Tomorrow?” Back in the Silver Age of DC Comics, especially in the Superman titles, status quo was very much a thing. The Superman/Clark Kent/Lois Lane… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #19: Superman
Movie Review: Chained for Life (1952)
Movie Review: Chained for Life (1952) directed by Harry L. Fraser Vivian and Dorothy Hamilton (Violet and Daisy Hilton) are conjoined twins (called “Siamese twins” in the movie as that was the slang of the time) who work as a singing duet in vaudeville. Variety show attendance is down overall so the Bijou’s owner Mr. MacKenzie… Continue reading Movie Review: Chained for Life (1952)
Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You
Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You by Leah Payne Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or received. For a generation, the dominant form of religious music in the North American market was “Contemporary Christian… Continue reading Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You
Movie Review: Sword of the Beast
Movie Review: Sword of the Beast (1965) directed by Hideo Gosha It is 1857, towards the end of the Tokugawa Shogunate. Commodore Perry’s ships have forced Japan to open its ports, and social change is rippling across Japan. Yuuki Gennosuke (Mikijiro Hira) thought he was going to help bring reform, but instead wound up killing his… Continue reading Movie Review: Sword of the Beast
Book Review: The Pocket Companion
Book Review: The Pocket Companion edited by Philip Van Doren Stern This 1942 paperback anthology was designed for people who wanted a lot of reading in a pocket-sized book, so has a novel, short stories, articles, poetry and trivia. The closest thing to a theme is the connection between the British and Americans, now allies… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Companion
Movie Review: Paint Your Wagon
Paint Your Wagon (1969) dir. Joshua Logan It is the height of the California Gold Rush, and a motley assembly of prospectors from around the world have joined a wagon train to the next possible strike. The wagon of two Michigan ex-farmer brothers goes off a cliff, killing one of them. Affable scoundrel Ben Rumson (Lee… Continue reading Movie Review: Paint Your Wagon
Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories
Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories edited by Philip Van Doren Stern In his introduction, the editor talks about the thrill of adventure stories, how often they are churned out as cheap entertainment, and that he has selected twelve really good ones for the reader. This 1945 book was designed to be easily… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories
Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve
Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve by Makoto Yukimura Note: SPOILERS for previous volumes, check out the previous reviews if you’ve skipped any. Previously: Thorfinn, once a vengeance-seeker, now has chosen a path of peace. He wants to go to the fabled place Vinland, where there is no war or slavery, to start a new… Continue reading Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Twelve