Magazine Review: The Spider #85: The Council of Evil

Magazine Review: The Spider #85: The Council of Evil by Norvell Page While Richard Wentworth, the Spider, is well known for having a policy of “shoot first, take no prisoners” towards criminals, he doesn’t always kill. If a crook is knocked out or otherwise incapacitated, the Spider will merely brand their forehead with a spider… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Spider #85: The Council of Evil

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951

Cover by Willer

Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951 edited by H.L. Gold Galaxy lasted from 1950 to 1980 as a digest-sized science fiction magazine.  Originally published by an Italian firm trying to break into the American market, the magazine was noted for its emphasis on stories about social issues and its comparatively sedate covers.  (“Fourth of… Continue reading Magazine Review: Galaxy Science Fiction July 1951