Movie Review: The Living Daylights

James Bond confers with M.

Movie Review: The Living Daylights (1987) directed by John Glen As part of a training exercise, several 00-class agents of British intelligence agency MI6 are assigned to infiltrate the military installation on the Rock of Gibraltar. The defenders are armed with paint-guns, but there’s a ringer, a Soviet agent who is taking the opportunity to kill… Continue reading Movie Review: The Living Daylights

Book Review: The Society of Nine

Book Review: The Society of Nine by Nick Carter Nick Carter, Killmaster-ranked agent of AXE, is called away from one of his rare days off when it’s discovered that a recently deceased assassin is a near dead ringer for him. The plan is for Nick to disguise himself as Anglo-Irish sniper Liam McDaniel and meet… Continue reading Book Review: The Society of Nine

Movie Review: For Your Eyes Only

James and the Countess enjoy a last peaceful moment.

Movie Review: For Your Eyes Only (1981) directed by John Glen James Bond (Roger Moore) is visiting his wife Tracy’s grave when he’s informed that a helicopter has come to take him to “the office.” This turns out to be a trap, as the pilot is murdered by his own headphones so that a man who… Continue reading Movie Review: For Your Eyes Only

Book Review: The Destroyer #26: In Enemy Hands

Book Review: The Destroyer #26: In Enemy Hands by Richard Sapir & Warren Murphy When JFK realized that there were certain threats to America and the world that could not be handled by normal government agencies and it wasn’t wise to rely on random good people stepping up, he turned to bureaucrat and former CIA… Continue reading Book Review: The Destroyer #26: In Enemy Hands

Book Review: Murder in Blue

Book Review: Murder in Blue by Paul Petersen Eric Saveman, the man codenamed The Smuggler, has come a long way from his career bringing marijuana into California. Nowadays he works for ZED, a secret branch of the CIA that also works domestically. His current assignment is to infiltrate a Soviet computer facility and steal a… Continue reading Book Review: Murder in Blue

Manga Review: From Eroica with Love 2

Manga Review: From Eroica with Love 2 by Aoike Yasuko It is the 1970s, and the Cold War is raging behind the scenes. One of the top front line officers in that war is Major “Iron” Klaus Heinz von dem Eberbach of NATO intelligence. He and his team of “Alphabet” agents attempt to thwart plans… Continue reading Manga Review: From Eroica with Love 2