Audio Review: If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio Eleven years ago, seven drama students entered their fourth year at the prestigious Dellecher Classical Conservatory. Now, a decade after the end of that school year, one of those students, Oliver Marks, is being released from prison. Former police detective Colborne has never entirely bought the official… Continue reading Audio Review: If We Were Villains
Tag: jealousy
Comic Book Review: Essential Daredevil Vol. 4
Comic Book Review: Essential Daredevil Vol. 4 edited by Stan Lee and Roy Thomas Created in 1964 by Stan Lee and Bill Everett, Daredevil is Matt Murdock, a blind lawyer. He was struck in the face with radioactive material as a teen while shoving a blind man out of danger, which both blinded Matthew and… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Essential Daredevil Vol. 4
Book Review: Inferior
Book Review: Inferior by Angela Saini Disclaimer: I received this Uncorrected Page Proof as a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. Some material may be changed in the final product, due out 5/23/17. Today there was a news story about a member of the European… Continue reading Book Review: Inferior
Book Review: Festival of Crime
Book Review: Festival of Crime Edited by Christine Husom, Mickie Turk & Michael Allan Mallory Minnesotans have a reputation for being a bit mild-mannered and reserved. But we love celebrations just as much as anyone else, and the state is filled with fairs and festivals, from small-town scarecrow contests to the crowded Pride in Minneapolis. And… Continue reading Book Review: Festival of Crime
Book Review: The Martian Chronicles
Book Review: The Martian Chronicles by Ray Bradbury Once, Mars was a place of mystery. Humans looked at it from the blue Earth with feeble telescopes, and imagined what life, if any, might inhabit that red dot in the sky. Were there canals filled with water? Bloodsucking tripod operators? Beings that had never fallen from grace… Continue reading Book Review: The Martian Chronicles
Comic Book Review: Wonder Woman ’77 Volume 1
Comic Book Review: Wonder Woman ’77 Volume 1 written by Marc Andreyko Back in the 1970s, live-action television series with a woman in the lead were rare creatures indeed, and one of the best was Wonder Woman, starring Lynda Carter. It migrated from ABC (where it was set during World War Two) to CBS in 1977,… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Wonder Woman ’77 Volume 1
Magazine Review: Gamma 3
Magazine Review: Gamma 3 edited by Charles E. Fritch Gamma was a short-lived science fiction magazine (five issues in 1963-64), known for high-quality cover art and snagging stories from authors connected with the film industry. (Indeed, I picked up this issue because of the sweet Morris Scott Dollens art.) It was digest-sized and relatively thin. … Continue reading Magazine Review: Gamma 3
Manga Review: Dream Fossil
Manga Review: Dream Fossil by Satoshi Kon Satoshi Kon (1963-2010) was an acclaimed anime director, making a handful of movies (including Paprika) and one television series, Paranoia Agent. His themes of confusion of dreams and reality, and madness lying just below the surface of society, made his works fascinating. He also spent some time as a… Continue reading Manga Review: Dream Fossil
Manga Review: So Cute It Hurts Volume 2
Manga Review: So Cute It Hurts Volume 2 by Go Ikeyamada Recapping from Volume 1: Megumu and Mitsuru Kobayashi, fraternal twins, have been impersonating each other at their respective schools in an effort to get Mitsuru to not fail history. As a side effect, each of the twins has fallen in love with someone at… Continue reading Manga Review: So Cute It Hurts Volume 2
Film Review: Hi-De-Ho (1947)
Film Review: Hi-De-Ho (1947) Jazz singer and bandleader Cab Calloway (Cab Calloway) has a new manager named Nettie (Ida James). His girlfriend Minnie (Jeni Le Gon) becomes insanely jealous, despite the relationship being purely professional. When Nettie lands Cab and his orchestra a gig at the ritzy Brass Hat Club, Minnie hies herself over to… Continue reading Film Review: Hi-De-Ho (1947)