Manga Review: Tuxedo Gin Vol. 11

Manga Review: Tuxedo Gin Vol. 11 by Tokihiko Matsuura Things were looking up for Ginji Kusanagi. He’d just won his first professional boxing match at age seventeen and was finally going to have a date with his crush Minako Sasebo. Unfortunately, he’d also angered a gang, and was run over by a car. Dying, Ginji… Continue reading Manga Review: Tuxedo Gin Vol. 11

Manga Review: Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 1

Manga Review: Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 1 by Tomohito Oda Hitohito Tadano is an average boy on his first day of high school. After a truly horrific experience when he tried to stand out from the crowd in middle school, he’s turned timid, wanting to blend in and fit in so as to have the… Continue reading Manga Review: Komi Can’t Communicate Vol. 1

Book Review: Ding Dong Bell | Certain Sleep

Book Review: Ding Dong Bell | Certain Sleep by Helen Reilly It’s time for another Ace Double, paperbacks with two short books bound upside down from each other. This one, G-528, is from the Giant Double Novel Book series of mysteries. Although it wasn’t advertised as such, this line was entirely devoted to female authors.… Continue reading Book Review: Ding Dong Bell | Certain Sleep

Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

Snow White and the animals clean the cottage.

Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) directed by William Cottrel Once upon a time, a princess was born with hair of raven black, lips red as blood, and skin as white as snow. Her mother named her Snow White, but soon died. The king’s second wife was a beautiful woman, but as… Continue reading Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)

Magazine Review: High Adventure #169: The Fort Terror Murders

This scene does not appear in the story.

Magazine Review: High Adventure #169: The Fort Terror Murders edited by John P. Gunnison The main feature in this pulp reprint originally appeared in Complete Detective Novel Magazine in December 1931, but the text comes from its reprint in Mystery Novels Magazine Quarterly in Summer 1932. Both magazines had relatively short runs, so it is… Continue reading Magazine Review: High Adventure #169: The Fort Terror Murders

Movie Review: Crypt of the Vampire

Count Karnstein in his study.

Movie Review: Crypt of the Vampire (1964) directed by Camillo Mastrocinque, aka “Terror in the Crypt”, original title “La Cripta e l’incubo” Antiquarian Friedrich Klauss (Jose Campos) has been summoned to Castle Karnstein in Styria by Count Ludwig Karnstein (Christopher Lee). It seems that some two centuries before, one of the Karnstein clan had been accused… Continue reading Movie Review: Crypt of the Vampire

TV Review: The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu | Flash Gordon | Sheena , Queen of the Jungle | The Joe Palooka Story

Sheena teases Bob.

TV Review: The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu | Flash Gordon | Sheena, Queen of the Jungle | The Joe Palooka Story In my quest to watch all the DVDs I have purchased and never gotten around to, I have come to a collection of four random episodes from 1950s adventure television. Let’s see what… Continue reading TV Review: The Adventures of Dr. Fu Manchu | Flash Gordon | Sheena , Queen of the Jungle | The Joe Palooka Story

Comic Book Review: An Inspector Calls: The Graphic Novel

Comic Book Review: An Inspector Calls: The Graphic Novel script by J.B. Priestley, adaptation by Jason Cobley, linework by Will Volley It is spring, 1912 in the English town of Brumley. Wealthy manufacturer Arthur Birling and his wife Sybil are having a small dinner party to celebrate the engagement of their daughter Sheila to Gerald… Continue reading Comic Book Review: An Inspector Calls: The Graphic Novel

Book Review: The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories Vol. 1

Book Review: The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories Vol. 1 Edited by James D. Jenkins & Ryan Cagle As has been mentioned in reviews on this blog before, there is a lot of literature from around the world published every year that English-only folks never get to read because it’s in other languages and… Continue reading Book Review: The Valancourt Book of World Horror Stories Vol. 1

Magazine Review: Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021

Magazine Review: Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021 edited by Linda Landrigan In 1956, HSD Publications wanted to create a new mystery story magazine. To boost sales, they licensed the name of Alfred Hitchcock, a famous director who was then the host of a popular television show. While Mr. Hitchcock otherwise had nothing to do… Continue reading Magazine Review: Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine May/June 2021