Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3

Sugimoto's group is offered an indecent proposal.

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3 Note: SPOILERS for the previous seasons! Recap: A couple of years after the Russo-Japanese War of 1905, former soldier Sugimoto learns of a cache of stolen gold, the location of which is tattooed on the torsos of a number of escaped prisoners. He teams up with the Ainu girl… Continue reading Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Season 3

Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Belle stumbles on one of the Beast's secrets.

Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast (1991) directed by Gary Trousdale Once upon a time, there was an enchantress who went to an eleven year old boy’s house in disguise. When he refused to let her in because her disguise was ugly, she punished his rudeness by turning him into a beast, and everyone else in… Continue reading Movie Review: Beauty and the Beast (1991)

Manga Review: The Promised Neverland

Manga Review: The Promised Neverland story by Shirai Kaiu, art by Demizu Posuka Note: While I will be speaking about the ending of the manga in only vague terms, spoiler-phobic people should be aware I will be speaking about the ending. Life is good for Emma, Norman and Ray. True, they’re orphans, but Grace Field… Continue reading Manga Review: The Promised Neverland

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy

Asirpa and Sugimoto don't understand each other's cultures.

Anime Review: Golden Kamuy Japan may have won the Russo-Japanese War in 1905, but not all of the soldiers came home…not even the living ones. Sugimoto, nicknamed “Immortal Sugimoto” for his ferocity and amazing ability to survive battles and wounds, came home just long enough to learn his best friend’s widow was going blind. He… Continue reading Anime Review: Golden Kamuy

Book Review: Five Weeks in a Balloon

Book Review: Five Weeks in a Balloon by Jules Verne It is 1863, and Dr. Samuel Ferguson has a plan to do something no man has done before, cross the entire continent of Africa from west to east! But he’s not going to do it on foot or riding animal, but in a balloon. You… Continue reading Book Review: Five Weeks in a Balloon

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson edited by Roger Elwood Poul Anderson (1926-2001) was an influential American science fiction author, first published in 1947 and winning seven Hugos and three Nebulas for his work. By the 1970s, he was well enough known, and had a large enough body of short fiction, that DAW Books… Continue reading Book Review: The Book of Poul Anderson

Book Review: Roar at the Universe

Book Review: Roar at the Universe by Danith McPherson In her introduction, the author states that bad stuff happens, and people can deal with it in different ways. This anthology, then, is eleven stories and poems about characters who struggle with the bad stuff in their lives, not always successfully. “Folds of Blue Silk” starts… Continue reading Book Review: Roar at the Universe

Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2

Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2 by Louis L’Amour with editorial material by Beau L’Amour Disclaimer: I received an Advance Uncorrected Proof of this book through a Goodreads giveaway to facilitate the writing of this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As an uncorrected proof, there will be changes made in… Continue reading Book Review: Louis L’Amour’s Lost Treasures Volume 2

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Nine

Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Nine by Makoto Yukimura Warning:  This review will have SPOILERS for previous volumes of the series; you may want to read earlier reviews first. Previously:  Thorfinn Thorsson and his ragtag band are taking a load of narwhal horns to Greece, where they hope to sell them to get funding for… Continue reading Manga Review: Vinland Saga Book Nine

Book Review: Seeking the Storyteller

Book Review: Seeking the Storyteller by Jessica Walsh & Briana Lawrence Alix Andre DeBenit and Randall Fagan are Hunters, tracking down and killing monsters called “demons” that harm humans.  They’re experienced and work well together, and the Twin Cities are surprisingly monster-infested so they’re doing quite well for themselves, with a warehouse headquarters and full-time… Continue reading Book Review: Seeking the Storyteller