Book Review: The Moon Maid by Edgar Rice Burroughs It is the 2020s, and it is at last time for the humans of Earth to visit their neighbors on Mars, or as its natives call it, Barsoom. The first spaceship to essay the journey is also named the Barsoom. It carries a crew of five,… Continue reading Book Review: The Moon Maid
Tag: hunters
Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989
Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989 edited by Stephen Jones Fantasy Tales was a British fantasy and horror magazine that ran from 1977-1991, though since it only published twice a year that’s not a huge number of issues (24). It was modeled after the classic pulp Weird Tales, and had a high percentage of notable… Continue reading Magazine Review: Fantasy Tales Autumn 1989
Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2024
Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2024 by various creators It’s the twelfth anniversary of my blog, so time once again to look at Japan’s best-selling manga magazine, or at least the online version of it. 2024 has been another turbulent year for Jump, with both My Hero Academia and Jujutsu Kaisen ending. (I did a… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2024
Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981
Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981 edited by Wilbur E. Garrett National Geographic was originally titled The National Geographic Magazine when it was first published in 1888. It was the scholarly journal of the National Geographic Society. In 1905, it began including photographs to go with the articles, and began sometimes having color photographs in… Continue reading Magazine Review: National Geographic July 1981
Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming
Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming by Tyler A. Mann The troll caravan guard that we meet at the beginning of the story has no name. The family he was born into did not have a tradition of naming children, and the circus that enslaved him only called him “the troll.” But his… Continue reading Book Review: Chronicles of Aragore Book 1: Naming
Book Review: Wicked West
Book Review: Wicked West edited by Abigail Linhardt and J.H. Fleming The combination of Western and horror genres is a popular one; those wide open spaces in which people and entire towns can just disappear make for a setting that allows a lot of spookiness. This bespoke anthology has eleven stories in this subcategory. “The… Continue reading Book Review: Wicked West
Manga Review: Tezucomi Vol. 1 & 2
Manga Review: Tezucomi Vol. 1 & 2 by Various Creators 2023 would have been Osamu Tezuka’s 95th birthday year, and in commemoration of the great manga and anime creator, this series was commissioned to show other artists’ take on his famous (and not so famous) works. For reasons, most of these were French and Spanish… Continue reading Manga Review: Tezucomi Vol. 1 & 2
Comic Book Review: Peripety Volume 1
Comic Book Review: Peripety Volume 1 by Sam Medlock (aka Mushkikizou-chan) A young elf awakens with no memory. He has apparently been attacked, but it’s not clear by who or what. An elf girl named Sepa found him in the woods, and brought him to the cottage of herself and her healer brother Irelusuke (Relli… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Peripety Volume 1
Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories
Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories edited by Philip Van Doren Stern In his introduction, the editor talks about the thrill of adventure stories, how often they are churned out as cheap entertainment, and that he has selected twelve really good ones for the reader. This 1945 book was designed to be easily… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Book of Adventure Stories
Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)
Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937) directed by William Cottrel Once upon a time, a princess was born with hair of raven black, lips red as blood, and skin as white as snow. Her mother named her Snow White, but soon died. The king’s second wife was a beautiful woman, but as… Continue reading Movie Review: Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (1937)