Comic Book Review: Constantine Volume 1 The Spark and the Flame

Comic Book Review: Constantine Volume 1 The Spark and the Flame by Ray Fawkes and Jeff Lemire Disclaimer:  I received this book through a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. John Constantine first appeared in the Alan Moore run of Swamp Thing.  At the time, he was a relatively fresh look at… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Constantine Volume 1 The Spark and the Flame

Book Review: Angel of Darkness

Book Review: Angel of Darkness by Charles de Lint Back in the early 1990s, Charles de Lint decided to publish some darker fantasy/horror books under the name Samuel M. Key, as some of the fans weren’t thrilled by him going in a horror direction.  By the 21st Century, it was decided Mr. de Lint’s reputation… Continue reading Book Review: Angel of Darkness

Book Review: Splatterlands

Book Review: Splatterlands edited by Anthony Rivera and Sharon Lawson Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. According to Wikipedia, “splatterpunk” was a movement in horror writing between roughly 1985 and 1995,  distinguished by its graphic and often gory descriptions of violence and attempts to… Continue reading Book Review: Splatterlands

Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem

Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem edited by John Klima, Lynne M Thomas & Michael Damian Thomas Disclaimer:  I received this book in a Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. This volume is an anthology of speculative fiction short stories,  themed around dance clubs, loud parties, roller skates, sparkly light and glitter.… Continue reading Book Review: Glitter & Mayhem

Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour

Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour by Ben Acker & Ben Blacker The Thrilling Adventure Hour, it turns out, is a continuing theatrical performance and podcast in the style of old-time radio.  As such, it’s full of action, comedy and thrilling adventure.  This is their first illustrated tie-in graphic novel. The contents range from straight-up science… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Thrilling Adventure Hour

Comic Book Review: ‘Tain’t the Meat…It’s the Humanity!

Comic Book Review: ‘Tain’t the Meat…It’s the Humanity! art by Jack Davis EC Comics was for a short time a brilliant publisher of crime, SF and especially horror comics in the early 1950s.  One of the things that made them so great was having some of the best artists working in the field at the… Continue reading Comic Book Review: ‘Tain’t the Meat…It’s the Humanity!

Giveaway: Autumn Giveaway (Ends September 30, 2013)

This giveaway has now ended.  Congratulations to the winner, who will receive an ARC of “Hen of the Baskervilles!” There’s a chill in the air as fall approaches–time to warm up with a book! This time the prize is one of seven books that I’ve recently reviewed: Beneath the Bleak New Moon by Debra Purdy… Continue reading Giveaway: Autumn Giveaway (Ends September 30, 2013)

Book Review: Dark Harbors

Book Review: Dark Harbors by J.K. Dark I received this book as a  Goodreads giveaway on the premise that I would review it. Jack Cross used to be a rock star, the leader of the band Dark Cross, kings of the “pirate rock” trend.   But that was a while back, before drugs and the… Continue reading Book Review: Dark Harbors

Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents The House of Secrets Volume One

Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents The House of Secrets Volume One edited by Joe Orlando House of Secrets started its publication history in 1956 as a “weird menace” title.  You couldn’t really do horror comics as such under the Comics Code, but  short tales tinged with the supernatural where evil was punished and good rewarded?  Sure.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents The House of Secrets Volume One

Comic Book Review: Jack Kirby’s The Demon

Comic Book Review: Jack Kirby’s The Demon by Jack Kirby and Mike Royer In the 1970s, the Comics Code eased up a bit, and horror comics again became a viable subgenre.  At DC Comics, most of their horror output was in short story anthologies like Ghosts or House of Secrets.  But as DC happened to have comics legend… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Jack Kirby’s The Demon