Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1 by various creators You may have heard a story like this before. A biochemist working for a secret agency develops a chemical that evil people want to steal. They come to his place in the swamp, and he winds up with the serum… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Man-Thing by Steve Gerber: The Complete Collection Vol. 1
Tag: homage
Comic Book Review: The Goon #5: Wicked Inclinations
Comic Book Review: The Goon #5: Wicked Inclinations by Eric Powell The Goon (birth name unclear) was once an orphan who worked at a circus, being raised by his strongwoman Aunt Kizzie. When his aunt was killed by the gangster Labrazio, the Goon killed him in revenge, then used the mob boss’ notes to take… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Goon #5: Wicked Inclinations