Book Review: The Automaton by Ian Young XR-345x awakens to find itself apparently the last of its kind. According to his holographic AI helper Holographic Automaton Navigation Console (Hank for short) humans left the surface of the earth around five thousand years ago, and the other automatons eventually followed suit. But an anomaly has arisen… Continue reading Book Review: The Automaton
Tag: holograms
Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor
Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor by Tow Ubukata Kazuki Makabe lives on Tatsumiyajima, an isolated island far off the coast of Japan. He’s looking forward to leaving the island one year from now, one way or another, whether to go to a mainland school or join a fishing boat crew. He’s the best athlete on… Continue reading Book Review: Fafner: Dead Aggressor
TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy
TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy The mining asteroid Tars Lamora is ruled with an iron fist by the ruthless being called The Diviner, his right hand robot Drednok and their army of robotic Watchers. Their “prisoners with jobs” are called “the Unwanted”, a motley assortment of criminals, slaves and abductees sold to the Diviner by… Continue reading TV Review: Star Trek: Prodigy
Anime Review: Digimon Ghost Game
Anime Review: Digimon Ghost Game In the not-too-distant future, advances in hologram technology have made holograms ubiquitous in advertising, robotics, public services and other aspects of life in Japan. Some, it would seem, are even artificially intelligent. But there’s also been a spike in weird, seemingly paranormal activity, often involving creatures that appear to be… Continue reading Anime Review: Digimon Ghost Game
Comic Book Review: Fleetway Picture Library Classics Presents: Rick Random
Comic Book Review: Fleetway Picture Library Classics Presents: Rick Random art by Ron Turner In the far future of the 2040s, Earth belongs to the Interplanetary Board, a coalition of worlds both in the Sol System and beyond. As it just so happens, it’s headquartered in what used to be the country of Great Britain.… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Fleetway Picture Library Classics Presents: Rick Random
Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021 edited by Sheila Williams Back in 1977, Isaac Asimov was one of the top three or so science fiction writers in the world, and had a very strong personal brand. So when Davis Publications wanted to create a “name brand magazine” for science fiction like Ellery Queen Mystery… Continue reading Magazine Review: Asimov’s Science Fiction May/June 2021
Comic Book Review: Essential Captain Marvel Vol. 2
Comic Book Review: Essential Captain Marvel Vol. 2 by various creators. Back in 1967, Marvel Comics became aware that the name “Captain Marvel” for a superhero had fallen out of trademark status. It was too good a name for Marvel to pass up, so Stan Lee quickly came up with a character to appear in Marvel… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Essential Captain Marvel Vol. 2
Manga Review: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Volume 3
Manga Review: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Volume 3 by Jiro Kuwata Quick recap: The 1960s Batman television show was popular in Japan as well, and a tie-in manga was done by 8-Man creator Jiro Kuwata. It was not based on the show as such, but on the Batman comic books of the time, so had a… Continue reading Manga Review: Batman: The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga Volume 3
Comic Book Review: The Best of Judge Dredd
Comic Book Review: The Best of Judge Dredd edited by Tharg It is the dark future of the 22nd Century. Nuclear war and environmental devastation have made large portions of Earth’s surface barely inhabitable, and the majority of the remaining population is crowded into sprawling urban areas called Mega-Cities. Overpopulation, high unemployment, and a general… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Best of Judge Dredd
Book Review: The Year’s Best S-F: 5th Annual Edition
Book Review: The Year’s Best S-F: 5th Annual Edition edited by Judith Merrill This 1960 book features a selection of speculative fiction short stories published during the 1958-60 time period. Editor Judith Merrill provides an introduction about the concept of wonder, chatty introductions to each story (she doesn’t think much of Kingsley Amis as a… Continue reading Book Review: The Year’s Best S-F: 5th Annual Edition