Open Thread: Tenth Anniversary!

Reusing this old picture of me with the Doctor!

Open Thread: Tenth Anniversary! That’s right, it’s been ten years of me telling you what books, movies, TV shows, comics and other pop culture artifacts I’ve been looking at. Time to celebrate! When I began in 2012, I’d recently been laid off from my first long-term job and was feeling rudderless. To distract myself from… Continue reading Open Thread: Tenth Anniversary!

Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978

Cover photo by Jim Giles of Loch Voil.

Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978 Like many people of Scots descent, I have a mild interest in the country and customs of my ancestors. I even wonder sometimes what the place is currently like. For me and people like me, there’s the regional interest publication, The Scots Magazine. First published in 1739 as… Continue reading Magazine Review: The Scots Magazine October 1978

Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler

Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler written by Gary Kamiya, illustrations by Jeffrey Smith In 1940, things were looking pretty bleak for Great Britain. Nazi Germany had swept the continent of Europe, all countries there either under its control, that of Fascist Italy, or staying neutral to avoid invasion. The Americans weren’t… Continue reading Book Review: Shadow Knights: The Secret War Against Hitler

Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: The Pocket Companion edited by Philip Van Doren Stern This 1942 paperback anthology was designed for people who wanted a lot of reading in a pocket-sized book, so has a novel, short stories, articles, poetry and trivia. The closest thing to a theme is the connection between the British and Americans, now allies… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: A Night to Remember

Book Review: A Night to Remember by Walter Lord Time and place: 11:40 PM, April 14, 1912, aboard the passenger liner Titanic in the North Atlantic. Lookout Frederick Fleet spots an iceberg dead ahead. The ship turns to avoid this hazard, but it’s too late. A hole is ripped in the ship’s side below the… Continue reading Book Review: A Night to Remember

Book Review: Star Bridge

Book Review: Star Bridge by Jack Williamson and James E. Gunn It is considerable time into the future, and humanity has gone to the stars. At first they crawled out and scattered, because the lightspeed limit meant it took forever to get anywhere interesting and there was no way to establish meaningful ties between worlds.… Continue reading Book Review: Star Bridge

Book Review: Mazes and Labyrinths

Book Review: Mazes and Labyrinths by W.H. Matthews Humans have long been fascinated by structures that pack the maximum amount of path in a small space, and those that create a puzzle to move through to find a center or exit. This 1922 book was the first major work in English to take a thorough… Continue reading Book Review: Mazes and Labyrinths

Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds

Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds edited by Andrew Nette and Iain McIntyre Subtitled “Radical Science Fiction, 1950-1985” this book is a collection of essays about how science fiction (or perhaps “speculative fiction” is a better phrase) changed and adapted to reflect the changing issues and social concerns of the Cold War period, and… Continue reading Book Review: Dangerous Visions and New Worlds

Book Review: The King Who Lost America

Book Review: The King Who Lost America by Alan Lloyd I’ve reviewed more than one biography of George Washington, hero of the American Revolution and first president of the United States of America. But there was another George involved in the Revolution, King George III of Great Britain. This biography is about him. It begins… Continue reading Book Review: The King Who Lost America

Book Review: The Case of the Constant Suicides

Book Review: The Case of the Constant Suicides by John Dickson Carr Castle Shira is not a canny place. Ever since one of the Campbell soldiers involved in the Glencoe Massacre threw himself from the tower, supposedly to escape the ghost of a murdered MacDonald, there have been a series of falling deaths associated with… Continue reading Book Review: The Case of the Constant Suicides