Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review

Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review by Stephen Joseph Scott Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from the author for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was requested or offered. As long time readers of this blog will know, I’m not myself a historical scholar, just a reader… Continue reading Book Review: Class Distinctions Thru History in Review

Book Review: Ireland for Beginners

Book Review: Ireland for Beginners by Phil Evans and Eileen Pollock This is not a full history of Ireland, but more a chronology of its subjugation by England, and its long struggle for independence. Thus it begins in 1169 with a Norman invasion invited in by a deposed Irish king. Henry II of England decides… Continue reading Book Review: Ireland for Beginners

Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon

Bon and Ream deal with the realities of their job.

Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon (aka T.P. Bon) Bon Namihira is a fairly normal (his name would translate to something like “Joe Average” in English) middle schooler. His grades are in the middle of the pack, he’s not particularly athletic but no wimp, he’s not particularly popular but does have friends. But when time starts… Continue reading Anime Review: Time Patrol Bon

Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1

Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1 by Ryoko Ikeda In 1755, three children of destiny were born. Hans Axel von Fersen of Sweden, Oscar Francois de Jarjayes of France, and Maria Antonia Josephe Jeanne de Lorraine D’Autriche of Austria. The latter would become famous under her transliterated name of Marie Antoinette, the Queen of… Continue reading Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1

Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea

Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea by Hampton Sides (Disclaimer: I received this book through a Goodreads Giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or received.) Captain James Cook of the British Royal Navy led three exploratory missions, the last of which launched in 1776 and returned in 1780.… Continue reading Book Review: The Wide Wide Sea

Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You by Leah Payne Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book through a Goodreads giveaway for the purpose of writing this review. No other compensation was offered or received. For a generation, the dominant form of religious music in the North American market was “Contemporary Christian… Continue reading Book Review: God Gave Rock and Roll to You

Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr

Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr by Nicolas Debon Louis Cyr (1863-1912) was undefeated in feats of strength during his lifetime, and was billed as “The Strongest Man in the World” when he performed for audiences, including as the main attraction of his own circus. This children’s book is a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: The Strongest Man in the World: Louis Cyr

Book Review: Time Gladiator

Book Review: Time Gladiator by Mack Reynolds (aka “Sweet Dreams, Sweet Princes”) In the early 21st Century, the United American State has become a caste society. The Upper 1% have most of the wealth and power, while the Lower 90% have been automated out of jobs and must subsist on the People’s Capitalism, a welfare… Continue reading Book Review: Time Gladiator

Book Review: The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime

Book Review: The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime by Judith Flanders Great Britain in the Nineteenth Century underwent massive transformation in technology and culture, particularly during the reign of Queen Victoria, who lent her name to an entire era. This book looks specifically at murders… Continue reading Book Review: The Invention of Murder: How the Victorians Revelled in Death and Detection and Created Modern Crime

Book Review: Subversive Sci-Fi: Reflections on Futuristic Films That Broke the Rules

Book Review: Subversive Sci-Fi: Reflections on Futuristic Films That Broke the Rules edited by Prof. Christopher McGothlin, M.Ed. Disclaimer: I contributed to the Kickstarter for this book. In over a century of movies that can be considered “science fiction” of one sort or another, there have been a number that challenged the status quo in… Continue reading Book Review: Subversive Sci-Fi: Reflections on Futuristic Films That Broke the Rules