Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #491

Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #491 edited by Dick Giordano & Carl Gafford This is the first digest-sized issue of Adventure Comics, which had been on hiatus for a bit, with this relaunch trying to cash in on the supermarket checkout line market. Most of the features were reprints of characters that either started in… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Adventure Comics #491

Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days by Burt L. Standish This is the first of the long-running and once-famous Frank Merriwell series of exciting books for teenaged boys. These were written by Gilbert Patten under the pen name of Standish, and the first few volumes are actually compilations of stories originally published in Tip-Top Weekly,… Continue reading Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Manga Review: Yowamushi Pedal 1

Manga Review: Yowamushi Pedal 1 by Wataru Watanabe The Sohoku High School Bicycle Racing Club has several interesting freshman members this year.  There’s Imaizumi, a serious competitor whose family is wealthy, so he can afford the finest bicycle racing equipment and training.  There’s the fiery Naruko from Osaka, who’s a fine sprinter despite his flashy… Continue reading Manga Review: Yowamushi Pedal 1

Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents Robin the Boy Wonder Vol. 1

Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents Robin the Boy Wonder Vol. 1 by various creators In 1940, a year after Batman debuted, he gained the first superhero kid sidekick in comic books.  Robin aka Dick Grayson served several functions.  Kid appeal, merchandising, lightening up the tone of the stories a bit, and giving Batman someone to have… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Showcase Presents Robin the Boy Wonder Vol. 1