Anime Review: Dragon Ball Daima Previously, on Dragon Ball: Son Goku was rocketed to Earth as an infant from the dying planet Vegeta–to conquer it. Instead, he became its greatest defender and the universe’s best martial artist. Along with his friends, quite a few of whom were former enemies, Son Goku defeated threat after threat.… Continue reading Anime Review: Dragon Ball Daima
Tag: guardians
Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire
Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire (1935) directed by Tod Browning (also released as “Vampires of Prague”) Czechoslovakia, 1934, near the city of Prague. It is growing dark, but in the inn run by a local fellow (Michael Visaroff), two English travelers want to be on their way. The innkeeper warns that vampires roam these parts… Continue reading Movie Review: Mark of the Vampire
Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024
Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024 edited by Trevor Quachri Let’s look at a recent issue of this long-running science fiction (and fact) magazine. The opening editorial by Howard V. Hendrix, “Machines Passing for People Passing for Machines”, which among other things discusses the Turing Test, where a simulated person tries to… Continue reading Magazine Review: Analog Science Fiction & Fact January/February 2024
Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2
Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2 Script by Sheldon Stark, Art by Jerry Robinson Quick recap: For a few years in the early 1950s (1953-1955) comics legends Sheldon Stark and Jerry Robinson tried their hands at a science fiction newspaper comic strip. The United States Government had a Department of Scientifact that investigated unusual… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Jet Scott Volume 2
Book Review: But Not Forgotten | The Schemers
Book Review: But Not Forgotten | The Schemers by Ruth Fenisong It’s time for another Ace Double paperback, this time a pair of mysteries by Ruth Fenisong (1904-1978). She’s best known for her Lieutenant Gridley Nelson series, but he’s barely in the first, and the other is independent. But Not Forgotten Leo Socarus is a… Continue reading Book Review: But Not Forgotten | The Schemers
Manga Review: Asadora! Volume 5
Manga Review: Asadora! Volume 5 by Naoki Urasawa Note: This review contains SPOILERS for earlier volumes of Asadora! It is 1964, and the Tokyo Olympics are about to begin. But there has been a sighting of “that thing”, a gigantic creature of unknown origins, in the vicinity. If it can’t be driven off, the Olympics… Continue reading Manga Review: Asadora! Volume 5
Book Review: The Fifth Season
Book Review: The Fifth Season by N.K. Jemisin The time is the far future. So far, indeed, that five or six great worldwide civilizations after our own have come, collapsed and been mostly forgotten. So far that there is only one known continent left, sarcastically known as The Stillness because of its constant tectonic activity.… Continue reading Book Review: The Fifth Season