Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: The Pocket Companion edited by Philip Van Doren Stern This 1942 paperback anthology was designed for people who wanted a lot of reading in a pocket-sized book, so has a novel, short stories, articles, poetry and trivia. The closest thing to a theme is the connection between the British and Americans, now allies… Continue reading Book Review: The Pocket Companion

Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957)

Cover by Frank Kelly Freas--not illustrating any of the stories in this volume.

Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957) edited by Gideon Marcus As the introduction by Janice L. Newman points out, women have written science fiction all along. The percentage of them getting published at any given time in the magazines and books waxed and waned, but they were always there. In the… Continue reading Book Review: Rediscovery: Science Fiction by Women Volume 2 (1953-1957)

Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction

Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction by Kei Kamiki In a sleepy seaside village in Japan lives a middle-school girl named Ruru Miyanagi. Her father passed away some years ago, and her mother is working overseas, so Ruru is taking care of herself and money is tight. When she finds an unusual crystal on the… Continue reading Manga Review: Magu-chan: God of Destruction

Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969

Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969 edited by Sol Cohen The opening editorial is by Ted White, the new managing editor. He talks about the decline in “fiction magazines” (the Saturday Evening Post had recently ceased publication for the first time) and is sad, but points out that times are always changing. He also mentions his… Continue reading Magazine Review: Fantastic August 1969

Movie Review: Wonder Woman (2009)

Diana stands tall.

Movie Review: Wonder Woman (2009) directed by Lauren Montgomery Diana has always lived on Themyscira. Her mother Hippolyta, it is said, made her from clay infused with godly power, making Diana the only child (now grown) of this Amazon society. The Amazons live on the isolated island both to protect themselves from the male-dominated outside world…and… Continue reading Movie Review: Wonder Woman (2009)

Comic Book Review: Future Quest Presents Volume 1

Comic Book Review: Future Quest Presents Volume 1 edited by Joey Cavalieri One of the effects of the many corporate mergers that have taken place over the last few decades is that the rights to the old Hanna-Barbera cartoons are now owned by Warner Communications, the same folks that own DC Comics. A few years… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Future Quest Presents Volume 1

Anime Review: So I’m a Spider, So What?

Our protagonist survives yet another near-death experience.

Anime Review: So I’m a Spider, So What? Getting reincarnated in another world after an accident or explosion is getting rather commonplace these days. But when a spider hatches out with the memories of a Japanese high school student, and her fellow hatchlings try to eat her, this seems like a bit of an imposition.… Continue reading Anime Review: So I’m a Spider, So What?

Webtoon Review: Trese

Alexandra's cases tend to be gruesome.

Webtoon Review: Trese Alexandra Trese is a detective of sorts who deals with supernatural cases in the Philippines, primarily operating in the city of Manila. Like her father before her, Alexandra stands between the community of humans and that of paranormal creatures, trying to uphold the “accords” that keep balance. She’s aided by twin bodyguards,… Continue reading Webtoon Review: Trese

Comic Book Review: 2000 A.D. Progs 2206-2209

Comic Book Review: 2000 A.D. Progs 2206-2209 edited by Tharg Over the years, the long-running British speculative fiction comic paper 2000 AD has strayed from its original demographic of British schoolboys somewhat. As in, it’s got a lot more “not safe for school” content. As a way of allowing younger readers to enjoy a taste,… Continue reading Comic Book Review: 2000 A.D. Progs 2206-2209

Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series

Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series edited by Donald A. Wollheim and Terry Carr (also printed as “World’s Best Science Fiction 1967”) The introduction to this volume of science fiction stories from 1966 mentions that there was a tendency to longer stories in the field, perhaps because many of the ideas required more… Continue reading Book Review: World’s Best Science Fiction: Third Series