Manga Review: Popcorn Romance

That's Zenta on the cover.

Manga Review: Popcorn Romance by Tomoko Taniguchi Ryouta and Zenta Yamazaki were orphaned a few years ago, but have stayed in Tokyo to finish high school and pursue their dream of being professional musicians. However Zenta, always a frail lad, is dying in the big city. He needs fresh air and honest work, so the… Continue reading Manga Review: Popcorn Romance

Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9

Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9 by Yoshiki Nakamura Note: This review contains spoilers for previous volumes. If you are unfamiliar with the series, you may want to read earlier reviews instead. Quick recap:  Kyoko Mogami dropped out of school and moved to Tokyo to support her beloved Sho as he tried to break into show… Continue reading Manga Review: Skip-Beat! Volumes 7-8-9

Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon

Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon by Magnolia Porter Siddell and Maddi Gonzalez Orion the messenger fairy has had many adventures with the Griffon Riders of Crystalfall, particularly young heroine Lyn Sparrowheart and her faithful steed Swiftclaw. But then came the Witch Elel, whose magic twisted the land and made her seemingly unstoppable. She has even… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Tiffany’s Griffon

Comic Book Review: Pivot

Comic Book Review: Pivot by Jaime Dear In softball, second base and shortstop need to be in synch. Knowing who’s going after which ball, making sure the bases are covered, and preferably not running into each other. But shortstop Luciana Herrera and second base player Ella Xie are dealing with huge crushes on each other… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Pivot

Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1

Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1 by Ryoko Ikeda In 1755, three children of destiny were born. Hans Axel von Fersen of Sweden, Oscar Francois de Jarjayes of France, and Maria Antonia Josephe Jeanne de Lorraine D’Autriche of Austria. The latter would become famous under her transliterated name of Marie Antoinette, the Queen of… Continue reading Manga Review: The Rose of Versailles #1

Anime Review: Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure

From left: Cure Wing, Cure Sky, Cure Prism and Cure Butterfly

Anime Review: Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure (Japanese title: “Hirogaru Sky! Precure”) Pretty Cure is a franchise series of anime shows aimed at preteen girls, which began in 2004 with Futari wa Pretty Cure (“We Two are Pretty Cure”). The recurring basic plot is that girls in their early teens are given magical items (usually by… Continue reading Anime Review: Soaring Sky! Pretty Cure

Manga Review: Omukae Desu Volume 3

Manga Review: Omukae Desu Volume 3 by Meca Tanaka Madoka Tsutsumi is a college student with a quiet, seemingly emotionless exterior. He’s actually quite passionate about analysis, and has a secret. He can see ghosts. One day he observes a man in a bunny suit chasing down an elderly spirit. Turns out the stranger is… Continue reading Manga Review: Omukae Desu Volume 3

Manga Review: Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki!

Manga Review: Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki! by Kanako Inuki Kanako Inuki is a popular creator in the field of shoujo horror manga, who’s been working since 1987. Despite being well-liked, she’s never had a real breakout hit, so is little known outside Japan. This volume is a collection of six representative tales of… Continue reading Manga Review: Be Very Afraid of Kanako Inuki!

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2 by Karuho Shiina Sawako Kuronuma is a victim of pop culture. With her pale skin, long straight black hair in a particular style, and an inability to put on a fake smile (it just looks creepy), Sawako bears a passing resemblance to Sadako, the scary ghost girl from… Continue reading Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Comic Book Review: Bunty Picture Story Library #242: Tina the Tester

Comic Book Review: Bunty Picture Story Library #242: Tina the Tester art by Tony Speer Bunty was a weekly British comic paper for working class girls under the age of 14, which ran from 1958-2001. It primarily focused on serialized stories with teenage girls as the protagonists, dealing with school, jobs, family issues, and sometimes… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Bunty Picture Story Library #242: Tina the Tester