Book Review: The Automaton

Book Review: The Automaton by Ian Young XR-345x awakens to find itself apparently the last of its kind. According to his holographic AI helper Holographic Automaton Navigation Console (Hank for short) humans left the surface of the earth around five thousand years ago, and the other automatons eventually followed suit. But an anomaly has arisen… Continue reading Book Review: The Automaton

Comic Book Review: Peter Pan and the Language of the Dead

Comic Book Review: Peter Pan and the Language of the Dead by various creators Bento Comics is a collective of comics creators who do print-on-demand and ebook sales, and have made several themed anthologies. This is their 2012 offering, based on the theme of, well, Peter Pan. “An Awfully Big Adventure” written by Fehed Said and drawn by Svetlana Chmakova is a dialogueless tale of a man in… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Peter Pan and the Language of the Dead