Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer In 2023, Konoha Akisato is an aspiring illustrator who wants to break into the world of bishoujo (“pretty girl”) games. She’s a huge nerd on the subject, with an encyclopedic knowledge of the field. Sadly, the only job she could get related to computer games is “color fill” at… Continue reading Anime Review: 16bit Sensation: Another Layer

Anime Review: Onmyoji (2023)

Seimei explains some natural philosophy to Hiromasa.

Anime Review: Onmyoji (2023) Abe no Seimei was a documented historical person who lived during the Heian Era of Japan. He was an onmyoji, a practitioner of onmyudo, an art that combined study of astrology, the traditional Chinese elements and other natural philosophy to make predictions and influence events. Indeed, he was considered the pre-eminent… Continue reading Anime Review: Onmyoji (2023)

Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock

Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock by various creators Fraggle Rock was a children’s television series that ran from 1983-1987, created by Jim Henson and primarily featuring his trademark Muppets of various sorts. The Fraggles live in a series of connected caves collectively called “Fraggle Rock.” Largely carefree creatures, the Fraggles spend much of… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock

Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth

Gamera's in a bit of a pinch, but turning him upside down is not a winning move.

Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth It is summer, 1989, on an alternate Earth where the Apollo Program never ended and there’s a permanent station on the Moon. In Tokyo, Japan, three children are enjoying their last summer break together before middle school separates them. Sensitive Boco, protective Joe and cryptid fan Junichi may not share all… Continue reading Anime Review: Gamera: Rebirth

Movie Review: The Great Escape

Danny and Sedgwick attempt to blend with the Russian prisoners.

Movie Review: The Great Escape (1963) directed by John Sturges During World War Two, the Germans captured quite a few enemy soldiers, primarily aviators who’d been shot down or crashed. The Allied prisoners considered it their first duty to escape from captivity, and several of them caused enough headaches that the Luftwaffe built a new prison… Continue reading Movie Review: The Great Escape

Book Review: Son of Robin Hood in Nottingham

Book Review: Son of Robin Hood in Nottingham by Paul A. Castleton Young Merion is the eponymous son of Robin Hood by Lady Marian (in this version, Robin is actually Robert of Locksley, a knight unjustly convicted and stripped of his lands.) He has come to live with his father in Sherwood Forest in the… Continue reading Book Review: Son of Robin Hood in Nottingham

Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days by Burt L. Standish This is the first of the long-running and once-famous Frank Merriwell series of exciting books for teenaged boys. These were written by Gilbert Patten under the pen name of Standish, and the first few volumes are actually compilations of stories originally published in Tip-Top Weekly,… Continue reading Book Review: Frank Merriwell’s School Days

Comic Book Review: Enemies

Comic Book Review: Enemies by Svetlana Chmakova Felicity Teale is one of many ordinary students at Berrybrook Middle School, but this time it’s her turn to be in the spotlight. “‘City” likes doing art and playing video games (the hot one right now is Skore) and is decent in Spanish class, but she has a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Enemies

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2 by Karuho Shiina Sawako Kuronuma is a victim of pop culture. With her pale skin, long straight black hair in a particular style, and an inability to put on a fake smile (it just looks creepy), Sawako bears a passing resemblance to Sadako, the scary ghost girl from… Continue reading Manga Review: Kimi ni Todoke Vol. 2

Anime Review: The Human Crazy University

Kito picks an odd moment to be philosophical.

Anime Review: The Human Crazy University Hirofumi Satake is an ordinary, run-of-the-mill death row inmate, convicted of the murder and cremating of his fiancée Chie Negishi and the man she was supposedly cheating with. Before he became a criminal, Hirofumi worked for a trading company, traveling all over the world, and fluent in several languages.… Continue reading Anime Review: The Human Crazy University