Manga Review: Popcorn Romance

That's Zenta on the cover.

Manga Review: Popcorn Romance by Tomoko Taniguchi Ryouta and Zenta Yamazaki were orphaned a few years ago, but have stayed in Tokyo to finish high school and pursue their dream of being professional musicians. However Zenta, always a frail lad, is dying in the big city. He needs fresh air and honest work, so the… Continue reading Manga Review: Popcorn Romance

Movie Review: Spring and Chaos

So very relatable.

Movie Review: Spring and Chaos (1996) directed by Shouji Kawamori Kenji Miyazawa was a poet, children’s story writer, and agriculturalist who lived from 1896-1933. Like many poets, he was unrecognized during his lifetime, but had his work become widely known after his death. You may have seen the animated adaptation of Night on the Galactic Railway. This… Continue reading Movie Review: Spring and Chaos

Book Review: In Winter’s Kitchen

Book Review: In Winter’s Kitchen by Beth Dooley When Beth Dooley first moved to Minneapolis from New Jersey in 1979, she was dismayed by the poor selection of fresh food in the commercial supermarket.  She’d heard that Minnesota was a farm state, yet the wilted vegetables and sallow fruit seemed to come from somewhere else… Continue reading Book Review: In Winter’s Kitchen

Book Review: The Perfect Horse

Book Review: The Perfect Horse by Elizabeth Letts Disclaimer:  I received this book as a Goodreads giveaway to facilitate this review.  No other compensation was offered or requested. The year is 1945.  The war in Europe is almost over.  American troops learn that a stud farm in Hostau contains horses looted by the Nazis from… Continue reading Book Review: The Perfect Horse

Book Review: A Memory This Size and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2013

Book Review: A Memory This Size and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2013 Introduction by Lizzy Attree The Caine Prize is awarded to a short story written by an African author (which primarily means one born in Africa–all the authors in this volume are from Sub-Saharan Africa), published in English in the… Continue reading Book Review: A Memory This Size and Other Stories: The Caine Prize for African Writing 2013

Book Review: Wintersmith

Book Review: Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett Tiffany Aching is a witch in training.  She in some ways is already a very powerful witch, and has endured some hard lessons that required growing up fast.  But she’s also very much a girl who’s almost thirteen.  Miss Treason, on the other hand, is over a century old… Continue reading Book Review: Wintersmith

Book Review: The Return of George Washington 1783-1789

Book Review: The Return of George Washington 1783-1789 by Edward J. Larson Disclaimer:  I received this book through the Goodreads giveaway program on the premise that I would review it.   My copy is an Advance Reader’s Edition, and changes will be made in the final version, including an index and more illustrations. George Washington,… Continue reading Book Review: The Return of George Washington 1783-1789