Movie Review: Act of Love (1980)

Leon and Joseph discuss Joseph's potential lifespan.

Movie Review: Act of Love (1980) directed by Jud Taylor It’s the first Father’s Day since the death of the Cybulkoski family patriarch. After church, the family has an outdoor lunch. Older son Leon (Ron Howard) announces that he and his brother Joseph (Mickey Rourke) will be painting their mother’s house, “barn red” and finally clearing… Continue reading Movie Review: Act of Love (1980)

Movie Review: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

E.T. shows off one of his nifty powers.

Movie Review: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial (1982) directed by Steven Spielberg Elliott (Henry Thomas) is a middle child. He’s old enough to want to participate in his teen brother Michael’s (Robert MacNaughton) Dungeons and Dragons game, but not old enough to be welcome there. He thinks of his little sister Gertie (Drew Barrymore) as babyish, and hasn’t… Continue reading Movie Review: E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial

Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock

Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock by various creators Fraggle Rock was a children’s television series that ran from 1983-1987, created by Jim Henson and primarily featuring his trademark Muppets of various sorts. The Fraggles live in a series of connected caves collectively called “Fraggle Rock.” Largely carefree creatures, the Fraggles spend much of… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Jim Henson’s Fraggle Rock

Movie Review: Ma Barker’s Killer Brood

The Barker family, solid church-going citizens.

Movie Review: Ma Barker’s Killer Brood (1960) directed by Bill Karn Kate “Ma” Barker (Lurene Tuttle) was born into a hardscrabble family as the tenth child and suffered many privations growing up. She stepped up a bit by marrying the first young man to take notice of her, George Barker (Nelson Leigh) but by the time… Continue reading Movie Review: Ma Barker’s Killer Brood

Comic Book Review: Enemies

Comic Book Review: Enemies by Svetlana Chmakova Felicity Teale is one of many ordinary students at Berrybrook Middle School, but this time it’s her turn to be in the spotlight. “‘City” likes doing art and playing video games (the hot one right now is Skore) and is decent in Spanish class, but she has a… Continue reading Comic Book Review: Enemies

Magazine Review: American Short Fiction Summer 2022

Magazine Review: American Short Fiction Summer 2022 edited by Rebecca Markovits & Adeena Reitberger The literary magazine is still alive in America, though I will not say “well” as I have no idea how many people read them. American Short Fiction, an Austin, Texas-based magazine, has been running since 1991. It is, as the title… Continue reading Magazine Review: American Short Fiction Summer 2022

Comic Strip Review: Peanuts 2000

Comic Strip Review: Peanuts 2000 by Charles M. Schulz Peanuts was a long-running newspaper comic strip (1950-2000) created by cartoonist Charles M. Schulz (1922-2000). This volume is a collection of the strips during its final year. At the time it was introduced, Peanuts was an innovative strip, starring children but meant for a “family” audience.… Continue reading Comic Strip Review: Peanuts 2000

Movie Review: The Searchers (1956)

The posse considers their options.

Movie Review: The Searchers (1956) directed by John Ford Texas, 1868: Ethan Edwards (John Wayne) finally returns to his childhood home, three years after the end of the American Civil War. He evades questions about where he’s been, though he was emphatically not in California. Ethan gets reacquainted with his brother Aaron’s family: wife Martha, eldest… Continue reading Movie Review: The Searchers (1956)

Movie Review: Mad Max

Max goes hunting.

Movie Review: Mad Max (1979) directed by George Miller It is “a few years from now” and things aren’t looking good for the Victoria province of Australia. Oil supplies are drying up, economic woes are accelerating, and violent motorcycle gangs operate virtually unopposed. The Main Force Police patrol the highways, but they’re underfunded and undermanned. To… Continue reading Movie Review: Mad Max

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2022

Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2022 Can you believe I’ve been doing Shounen Jump Weekly reviews for ten years now? So much has changed during that timeframe, Famous longrunners have ended, new favorites have come and gone, instead of a simulated magazine the website is more like a box of manga you can dip into… Continue reading Manga Review: Shonen Jump Weekly 2022